N.C Pd. 8Vector 97 percent of earths water is salty, 2 percent is locked up in snow and glaciers/ice, and less than 1 percent is used for household uses. You can conserve water by turning off the sink when brushing your teeth.
V.D. Pd.8- Did you know that you need 3170 gallons of water to make 1 pound chocolate or that only 5% of the freshwter you use is for toilets,taps,and hoses at home? Cool! :)
S.H-PD.7 Of all the water on earth, 97.5 percent is contained within the oceans. 2 percent is fresh water and frozen water locked up in glaciers/ice. To conserve water, for example when you are doing the laundry, by matching the water level to the size of the load.
D.P_P8_ Freshwater is the water used for drinking, agriculture(farming), industries, and mother nature. Less than 1 percent of water is available to us. Most of the water in the world is too salty for humans to drink. Fresh water is usually stored by glaciers and in the ground. Others places that are from the surface are the rivers, swamps, and lakes.
L.I.-Pd.8- Freshwater is sanitary and is neccesary for survival. 4,800 people a day die from waterborne diseases. A way to help conserve freshwater is to reduce your water footprint. That means using less water per day! Try taking shorter showers.
S.R.-Pd.7- almost ALL of earth's water is salt water. Lots of the earth's water is in iceburgs and glaciers. You can conseve our fresh water supply by turning the water off when you brush your teeth and taking quick showers.
K.P.-per 7- Shifting rain patterns flood some regions amd dry up others as a nature shows us a grave physics lesson: hot air holds more water molecules that cold.
Freshwater is water that isn't salty when it is considered as a natural resource. Only 2.75 percent is fresh water out of the entire earth. We can help our many needs for water in a balanced way that is equal for everyone. We now have new knowledge,and community of people that is still growing, that are committed to saving our water. We can run our washing machines only when full, or adjust the water level setting.
M.S.W.-Pd.8- Freshwater is for drinking, industry, agriculture, and, of course, nature. If there wasn't any freshwater in nature, most animals would die, therefore decreasing their populations. There are a few ways to conserve of supply of water. For example, we can turn off the water while we brush our teeth, take shorter showers, and don't constantly have the sprinkler going just to water the plants. Less than 1% of water is freshwater because 97% is salt water and another 2% is locked up by glaciers and ice caps.
PD7 JD only 2% of the earths surface is freshwater. most of the freshwater is located in glaciers and icebergs. you can conserve water by shutting off the water while you brush your teeth and taking quick showers
J.H.-Per.8-The American lifestyle is powered by 2,000 gallons of water each day; 95% is used in our food and drinks, and 5% is in taps, toilets, and garden hoses.
A.M.T-Pd.8- more than 97 percent is to salty to drink. More than one million people don't have clean water. Many people die from water-borne disease, which is very sad. All of our water sources are connected so we have to try not to pollute it. We overuse our water, we take it for granite. Things will get very bad if we don't take action now!:)
J.S.-Pd.7- 97% is salt water. 2% is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. Less than 1% is left for drinking,agriculture, industry, and nature. We over using it, over tapping rivers, and over pumping ground-water. Over a billion people don't have access to clean/safe water. While 4,800 people die every day from water-borne disease.
CM PER 5: Saltwater, or salt water , is a geological term that refers to naturally occurring solutions containing large concentrations of dissolved, inorganic ions
A.H.-Pd.8- Freshwater is incredibly scarce, as that it takes up only approximately 2.75% of the world's water. Yet we all use it like there is an unlimited supply. In fact, there is truthfully only about 1% of it available, because the rest is locked up within glaciers and ice caps. Without freshwater, countless amounts of species will go extinct. Most people do understand or notice the vast amount of water used in their daily life, like how they use about five gallons of water every minute when taking a shower, or the 1+ gallon(s) they use when flushing a toilet. Nor do they comprehend that all the water we have at the moment is all we have for the rest of our planet's life, as that the water was formed through ancient processes that cannot take place today. We must conserve supplies and not take freshwater for granted or future generations may be headed toward calamity. Saving water on a daily scale is relatively simple, and some ways to do so are taking quick showers, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, etc. Any act makes a difference, no matter what. What will be yours?
D.I. Pd. 8: Most crops around the world are grown with rainfall. when it doesn't rain then farmers use irrigation. Irrigation is to supply dry land with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially.
A.C.-Pd.8- Freshwater takes up only about 2.75% of the world's water, so we need to be extremely cautious in how we use it. 70& of the freshwater taken out of rivers, lakes, and aquifers is used for agriculture. Freshwater is critical to the global food supply. Even though this is helpful, there are many people that do not drink or bathe in clean/safe water. Three-tenths of a percent of our freshwater, or 31,341 trillion gallons, is in lakes, rivers, and wetlands. This amount includes the water in organisms and the atmosphere.
1. Choose outdoor landscaping appropriate for your climate. Native plants and grasses that thrive on natural rainfall only are best. 2. Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Because you’re saving hot water, you’ll also reduce your energy bill. 3. If you’re in the market for a toilet, buy a low-volume, ultra low-volume, or dual-flush model. 4. 4. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when full. 5. 5. Eat a bit less meat, especially beef. A typical hamburger can take 630 gallons to produce. 6. 6. Buy less stuff. Everything takes water to make. So if we buy less, we shrink our water footprint. 7. Recycle plastics, glass, metals, and paper. Buy re-usable products rather than throw-aways, as it takes water to make most everything. 8. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and washing the dishes. Shave a minute or two off your shower time.
ba pd5. Most of the water on earth is salt water and the other is fresh water. Fresh water is found in lakes and glaciers. This water is also drinkable unlike salt water.
Freshwater is water that doesn't contain large amounts of salt and is usually inland. More than 97% of the Earth's water is salty and 2% of the rest is frozen. That means that less than 1% of the water is freshwater. We can conserve freshwater by taking shorter showers, turning off the sink when we brush our teeth, and do less loads of laundry.
G.M. Pd-5 Freshwater comes from icebergs and glaciers. 70 percent is water. 2.5 or 3 is freshwater. Freshwater of or living in water that is fresh or not salt: freshwater fish.
a smll oamount of frshwater is in danger of drying up or becoming so contaminated that cannot be used for human consumption. changeing our habits of water use can help this growing problem.
KH Pd. 5- Fresh water is natural water on the Earth's surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground. Less 3 percent of water is fresh water! To conserve fresh water, we can conserve water. For example, we can fix leaky faucets so that it doesn't get wasted.
E.N pd5- most of our fresh water comes from melting glaciers. we mostly use freshwater more often. there is more salt water than freshwater. we can conserve freshwater by taking shorter showers and turn off the water while brushing your teeth
KA Period 7: Most of the water on earth is salt water and the other is fresh water. Fresh water is found in lakes and glaciers. This water is also drinkable unlike salt water. (only 1% of the earth's water is freshwater.)
C.A.-Period 8- 97% of water is too salty to drink; 2% is stuck in glaciers and ice caps. Less than 1% is what we can drink. We over use water by over watering our grass. 70% of the water we take goes straight to food.
M.M.-Period 8- Freshwater is not salty water. 72% of the Earth's surface is made up of water. 97% of Earth's water sea water (salt water) and the other 3% is freshwater. 2% of that freshwater is not accessible to humans because of the fact that it is stored in glaciers and ice caps. The other 1% is safe for human use. Ways that water can be saved include: shorter showers, turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth, etc.
97% of the global water supply is found in the oceans, which are saline. A very small amount of salty water is also located in saline lakes. The remaining 3% is 'freshwater'. Permanent ice (such as glaciers) is the largest freshwater storage on Earth, accounting for about 2% of the total global supply. Freshwater is also found beneath the Earth's surface as groundwater (30% of the freshwater supply) and in surface water storages such as lakes, streams, swamps and marshes. Small amounts of freshwater are also stored in the soil, the atmosphere, and in biological organisms.
A.D. Period 7- 97 percent of the Earth's water is salt water. 2 percent of water is in glaciers and ice caps. That leaves 1 percent of water which is left for drinking, baithing, or anything else we use it for. With one percent of water left for us, we need to conserve it for later generations.
Much of the earth's water is found in glacial caverns. 3% of our water is fresh, but with so little, how can life be sustained for much longer. Other water-deprived countries have turned human waste into drinkable beverages. Also,if companies would stop dumping their products into streams and lakes, or there were less littering, we may be able to swim in our town's rivers.
M.D.-Period 5-Freshwater comes from rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, groundwater, cave water, springs, floodplains, and wetlands. Without freshwater we couldn't live.
michellem pd.8 Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth's surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater in aquifers and underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. The term doesnt include seawater and brackish water but it does include mineral rich waters.
J.W. Period 8. Around 10,000 of the world’s 25,000 (known) fish species live in fresh water. An average of 300 new freshwater fish species are discovered every year
Per. 2 Well over 97% of water is salted water from ocean(of course)and less than three percernt is fresh water .Sadly we can't get more but we can save more. Anyway my point being the water is from mostly rain and snow and hail and lastly ice glaciers.
Less than 1 percent of the earth's water is fresh!
ReplyDeleteL.Z.-Pd.1-freshwater is not salty!
DeleteM.A-Pd.8- Most of the fresh water that exists is stored in glaciers and ice caps.
DeleteN.C Pd. 8Vector
Delete97 percent of earths water is salty, 2 percent is locked up in snow and glaciers/ice, and less than 1 percent is used for household uses. You can conserve water by turning off the sink when brushing your teeth.
V.D. Pd.8- Did you know that you need 3170 gallons of water to make 1 pound chocolate or that only 5% of the freshwter you use is for toilets,taps,and hoses at home? Cool! :)
DeleteOf all the water on earth, 97.5 percent is contained within the oceans. 2 percent is fresh water and frozen water locked up in glaciers/ice. To conserve water, for example when you are doing the laundry, by matching the water level to the size of the load.
C.A. Pd.5
DeleteThe source of almost all fresh water is precipitation from the atmosphere, in the form of mist, rain and snow.
Only 3% percent is freshwater on earth
Deletew.c. per.7 2.5% of water is fresh
DeleteD.P_P8_ Freshwater is the water used for drinking, agriculture(farming), industries, and mother nature. Less than 1 percent of water is available to us. Most of the water in the world is too salty for humans to drink. Fresh water is usually stored by glaciers and in the ground. Others places that are from the surface are the rivers, swamps, and lakes.
ReplyDeleteS.S-Pd.8- Only 10 percent of the earth's freshwater is found in surface waters,including lakes and rivers.
ReplyDeleteV.V-Pd.5- 70% of earths surface is water, 2.5% of it is considered freshwater
ReplyDeleteL.I.-Pd.8- Freshwater is sanitary and is neccesary for survival. 4,800 people a day die from waterborne diseases. A way to help conserve freshwater is to reduce your water footprint. That means using less water per day! Try taking shorter showers.
ReplyDeleteBD-Pd7-The more glaciers melt the less freshwater there will be.
ReplyDeleteD.S prd.7
DeleteFresh water makes up only 3% of the earth
S.R.-Pd.7- almost ALL of earth's water is salt water. Lots of the earth's water is in iceburgs and glaciers. You can conseve our fresh water supply by turning the water off when you brush your teeth and taking quick showers.
ReplyDeleteN.C.-Pd.5-The term "sweet water" has been used to describe fresh water.
ReplyDeleteA.Z-Pd.7- Only 2.5% of the earth's water is Freshwater. You can conserve water by turning off the water when brushing teeth and taking quick showers.
ReplyDeleteK.P.-per 7- Shifting rain patterns flood some regions amd dry up others as a nature shows us a grave physics lesson: hot air holds more water molecules that cold.
ReplyDeleteFreshwater is water that isn't salty when it is considered as a natural resource. Only 2.75 percent is fresh water out of the entire earth. We can help our many needs for water in a balanced way that is equal for everyone. We now have new knowledge,and community of people that is still growing, that are committed to saving our water. We can run our washing machines only when full, or adjust the water level setting.
ReplyDeleteM.S.W.-Pd.8- Freshwater is for drinking, industry, agriculture, and, of course, nature. If there wasn't any freshwater in nature, most animals would die, therefore decreasing their populations. There are a few ways to conserve of supply of water. For example, we can turn off the water while we brush our teeth, take shorter showers, and don't constantly have the sprinkler going just to water the plants. Less than 1% of water is freshwater because 97% is salt water and another 2% is locked up by glaciers and ice caps.
ReplyDeletePD7 JD only 2% of the earths surface is freshwater. most of the freshwater is located in glaciers and icebergs. you can conserve water by shutting off the water while you brush your teeth and taking quick showers
DeleteJ.H.-Per.8-The American lifestyle is powered by 2,000 gallons of water each day; 95% is used in our food and drinks, and 5% is in taps, toilets, and garden hoses.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJ.L pd - 5 2.5% of it is considered freshwater. Only 10% of the earth's freshwater is found in surface waters like lakes and rivers.
ReplyDeleteJ.L- Pd.-5 you can conserve it by saving water Ex:taking quick showers and turning off water while brushing teeth
ReplyDeleteA.M.T-Pd.8- more than 97 percent is to salty to drink. More than one million people don't have clean water. Many people die from water-borne disease, which is very sad. All of our water sources are connected so we have to try not to pollute it. We overuse our water, we take it for granite. Things will get very bad if we don't take action now!:)
ReplyDeleteS.M. Pd-7: Freshwater accounts for one fifth of the Earth and provides half of the drinking water.
ReplyDeleteJ.S.-Pd.7- 97% is salt water. 2% is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. Less than 1% is left for drinking,agriculture, industry, and nature. We over using it, over tapping rivers, and over pumping ground-water. Over a billion people don't have access to clean/safe water. While 4,800 people die every day from water-borne disease.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCM PER 5: Saltwater, or salt water , is a geological term that refers to naturally occurring solutions containing large concentrations of dissolved, inorganic ions
ReplyDeleteA.H.-Pd.8- Freshwater is incredibly scarce, as that it takes up only approximately 2.75% of the world's water. Yet we all use it like there is an unlimited supply. In fact, there is truthfully only about 1% of it available, because the rest is locked up within glaciers and ice caps. Without freshwater, countless amounts of species will go extinct. Most people do understand or notice the vast amount of water used in their daily life, like how they use about five gallons of water every minute when taking a shower, or the 1+ gallon(s) they use when flushing a toilet. Nor do they comprehend that all the water we have at the moment is all we have for the rest of our planet's life, as that the water was formed through ancient processes that cannot take place today. We must conserve supplies and not take freshwater for granted or future generations may be headed toward calamity. Saving water on a daily scale is relatively simple, and some ways to do so are taking quick showers, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, etc. Any act makes a difference, no matter what. What will be yours?
ReplyDeleteJ.A. Period 7- i agree with Aaron, we need to conserve our water.
DeleteN.D. Period 8- We use nearly 2,000 gallons of water a day. If we don't start to conserve water, we might not have any in the future.
ReplyDeleteD.I. Pd. 8: Most crops around the world are grown with rainfall. when it doesn't rain then farmers use irrigation. Irrigation is to supply dry land with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially.
ReplyDeleteVV2.PD.5-Most of the freshwater is used for drinking, agriculture, industry, and nature
ReplyDeleteOnly 1% of the earth's water is Freshwater. You can conserve water by turning off the water when brushing teeth and taking quick showers.
ReplyDeleteA.C.-Pd.8- Freshwater takes up only about 2.75% of the world's water, so we need to be extremely cautious in how we use it.
ReplyDelete70& of the freshwater taken out of rivers, lakes, and aquifers is used for agriculture. Freshwater is critical to the global food supply. Even though this is helpful, there are many people that do not drink or bathe in clean/safe water.
Three-tenths of a percent of our freshwater, or 31,341 trillion gallons, is in lakes, rivers, and wetlands. This amount includes the water in organisms and the atmosphere.
M.R. Per 5
ReplyDeleteLittle of Earth's water is freshwater
M.R.-Per 5
ReplyDelete1. Choose outdoor landscaping appropriate for your climate. Native plants and grasses that thrive on natural rainfall only are best.
2. Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Because you’re saving hot water, you’ll also reduce your energy bill.
3. If you’re in the market for a toilet, buy a low-volume, ultra low-volume, or dual-flush model. 4.
4. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when full. 5.
5. Eat a bit less meat, especially beef. A typical hamburger can take 630 gallons to produce. 6.
6. Buy less stuff. Everything takes water to make. So if we buy less, we shrink our water footprint.
7. Recycle plastics, glass, metals, and paper. Buy re-usable products rather than throw-aways, as it takes water to make most everything.
8. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and washing the dishes. Shave a minute or two off your shower time.
M.R.- per5
ReplyDeleteThose are ways to conserve fresh water
H.S.-Pd. 8 There are different types of freshwater regions: ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands
ReplyDeleteUG Pd.5 Alot of freshwater is hard to get because of glaciers, ice-caps and, the ground.
ReplyDeleteba pd5. Most of the water on earth is salt water and the other is fresh water. Fresh water is found in lakes and glaciers. This water is also drinkable unlike salt water.
DeleteFreshwater is water that doesn't contain large amounts of salt and is usually inland. More than 97% of the Earth's water is salty and 2% of the rest is frozen. That means that less than 1% of the water is freshwater. We can conserve freshwater by taking shorter showers, turning off the sink when we brush our teeth, and do less loads of laundry.
ReplyDeleteG.M. Pd-5 Freshwater comes from icebergs and glaciers. 70 percent is water. 2.5 or 3 is freshwater. Freshwater of or living in water that is fresh or not salt: freshwater fish.
ReplyDeletea smll oamount of frshwater is in danger of drying up or becoming so contaminated that cannot be used for human consumption. changeing our habits of water use can help this growing problem.
ReplyDeleteCJ Pd.7 97 percent of our worlds drinking water is too salty to drink. 4800 people die every day of water borne disease.
ReplyDeleteGF Pd.7-Did you know that more than 70 percent of Earth's surface is covered by water, however only 2.5% is freshwater.
ReplyDeleteKH Pd. 5- Fresh water is natural water on the Earth's surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground. Less 3 percent of water is fresh water! To conserve fresh water, we can conserve water. For example, we can fix leaky faucets so that it doesn't get wasted.
ReplyDeleteE.N pd5- most of our fresh water comes from melting glaciers. we mostly use freshwater more often. there is more salt water than freshwater. we can conserve freshwater by taking shorter showers and turn off the water while brushing your teeth
ReplyDeleteI.F.-Pd.8- The average American uses 100 gallons per day.
ReplyDeleteKA Period 7: Most of the water on earth is salt water and the other is fresh water. Fresh water is found in lakes and glaciers. This water is also drinkable unlike salt water. (only 1% of the earth's water is freshwater.)
ReplyDeleteC.A.-Period 8- 97% of water is too salty to drink; 2% is stuck in glaciers and ice caps. Less than 1% is what we can drink. We over use water by over watering our grass. 70% of the water we take goes straight to food.
ReplyDeleteJC Period 5: Most of freshwater comes from inland sources like lakes, river, waterfalls, creeks etc...
ReplyDeleteMrs.Zazzali-I am so proud of everyone. Great insight, keep up the good work!
DeleteM.M.-Period 8- Freshwater is not salty water. 72% of the Earth's surface is made up of water. 97% of Earth's water sea water (salt water) and the other 3% is freshwater. 2% of that freshwater is not accessible to humans because of the fact that it is stored in glaciers and ice caps. The other 1% is safe for human use. Ways that water can be saved include: shorter showers, turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth, etc.
ReplyDeleteJ.O.Pd5 Take showers instead of baths
DeleteJS Per.5 By 2025 an estimated about 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity.
ReplyDelete97% of the global water supply is found in the oceans, which are saline. A very small amount of salty water is also located in saline lakes. The remaining 3% is 'freshwater'. Permanent ice (such as glaciers) is the largest freshwater storage on Earth, accounting for about 2% of the total global supply. Freshwater is also found beneath the Earth's surface as groundwater (30% of the freshwater supply) and in surface water storages such as lakes, streams, swamps and marshes. Small amounts of freshwater are also stored in the soil, the atmosphere, and in biological organisms.
ReplyDeleteA.D. Period 7- 97 percent of the Earth's water is salt water. 2 percent of water is in glaciers and ice caps. That leaves 1 percent of water which is left for drinking, baithing, or anything else we use it for. With one percent of water left for us, we need to conserve it for later generations.
ReplyDeleteMuch of the earth's water is found in glacial caverns. 3% of our water is fresh, but with so little, how can life be sustained for much longer. Other water-deprived countries have turned human waste into drinkable beverages. Also,if companies would stop dumping their products into streams and lakes, or there were less littering, we may be able to swim in our town's rivers.
ReplyDeleteS.P. Period 8- You can lower your water footprint by making small changes to your dishwashing, gardening, eating, and consumption habits.
ReplyDeleteM.D.-Period 5-Freshwater comes from rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, groundwater, cave water, springs, floodplains, and wetlands. Without freshwater we couldn't live.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA.M.R.-Pd.8-Most ice water is kept in glaciers and ice caps.
ReplyDeletemichellem pd.8 Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth's surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater in aquifers and underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. The term doesnt include seawater and brackish water but it does include mineral rich waters.
ReplyDeleteJ.W. Period 8.
ReplyDeleteAround 10,000 of the world’s 25,000 (known) fish species live in fresh water. An average of 300 new freshwater fish species are discovered every year
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePer. 2 Well over 97% of water is salted water from ocean(of course)and less than three percernt is fresh water .Sadly we can't get more but we can save more. Anyway my point being the water is from mostly rain and snow and hail and lastly ice glaciers.