Monday, January 28, 2013

Five States of Matter, Really?

In class today, we discussed The States of Matter.  What did you learn?  Did you research a state of Matter further?  Share with your


  1. MP
    Period 1
    Today in class we learne about kinetic energy in the five states of matter.For example, Bose Einstein Condensates has the least kinetic energy and Plasma has the most. We also learned that B.E.C is only found in labs. Lastly we learned Plasma is the most abundant in the universe.

  2. AY
    Period 1
    I learned today a new type of matter called Bose-Einstein Condensate which is the opposite of plasma. That means BEC is a cold blob of matter

  3. ER
    Period 3
    Today we learned the five states of matter. I'm pretty sure they are out of order but they are B.E.C (Bose Einstein Condensates), Solids, Liquids, Gasses, then Plasma.

  4. JS
    Period 1
    Today I learned about the five states of matter which are: BEC Soldid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. I find this chapter very interesting and I can't wait to learn more!

  5. AL
    Period 5
    I learned about matter that around us and if objects heat it has more kinetic energy

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. TW
    Period 2

    Today in science we learned about The States Of Matter. The States Of Matter are solids, liquids, and gas. Gas is all around us. You can feel it when the wind blows. Air is many gases mixed together. A solid is a certain size and shape. An example of a solid is a desk or a table. A liquid is a state of matter that can flow. An example of a liquid is water and juice. I thought this lesson was very interesting becasue I enjoy learning about gases lquids and solids. I researched more about this topic becuase I enjoied the lesson.

  8. IS
    Period 7

    Today in class we learned about a new type of matter called Bose-Einstien Condensates which is the complete opposite of a matter called Plasma. The difference is that BEC is a very cold matter and Plsma is a very hot matter an example of this is the sun or the stars.

  9. JS
    Period 2

    Today in class I learned about the five states of matter. The order they go in is, Bose Eistein Condensate (BEC) , Solids, Liquids, Gasses, Plasmas. I also learned that BEC has the most kinetic energy while Plasma has the least. Finally I learned that Plasma is the most abundant in the universe. I really enjoyed this lesson and I hope to learn more about it.

  10. PG
    Period 2
    Today in class i learned a new type of matter called Bose Einstein Condensate. B-E-C has the least kinetic energy.Also Bose Einstein Condensate is only found in labs. One last thing Plasma is the most abundant in the universe.

  11. JC
    Period 1
    Today in class, we learned about the five states of matter.The five states of matter that we learned about today, listed in order from least kinnetic energy to most kinnetic energy were BEC (Bose Einstein Condensates) , Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma. All of them have volume except Gases and Plasma. Also, all of them have a shape except Liquids, Gases, and Plasmas. BEC's has the least kinnectic energy, Solids are close together, Liquids are almost as close as solids, Gases seperate from eachother, and Plasma is the positive and negative particles in an object, it also has the most kinnectic energy. An example of BEC's would be a super cold blob, and example of a solid would be a a rubix cube, (a solid form of a box), and example of a liquid would a glass of water, an example of a gas would be the steam from a boiling pot. and lastly an example of plasma would be a super hot mass.

  12. SM
    Period 5

    Today in science I learned the five types of matter. They are BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate), solids, liquids, gases, and Plasma. Plasma has the most kinetic, Gasses is second, liquids 3rd, solids, 4th, and BEC has the least kinetic energy

  13. In class today, we learned about the 5 states of matter. These states include: BECs, Solids, Liquids, Gasses, and Plasmas. We learned that BECs (Bose-Einstein condensate) were predicted by the scientists, Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein in the 1920s, but they didn't have the equipment to create it. Also, BEC is the total opposite of plasmas. For example, since atoms in plasma are extremely hot and full of energy, the atoms in a BEC are extremely cold and unenergetic. Therefore, plasmas are also not very dense, where BECs are exceedingly dense. I found these two states of matter the most interesting so I did research them some more. I can't wait to keep learning about the States Of Matter!

  14. CS
    Period 8
    What I learned is that if an atom is exposed to extreme cold temperatures, a B.E.C.(Bose Einstein Condensate)will occur. An example of that would be super cold blob.

  15. SK
    Period 5
    Today in class we discussed The States of Matter. I learned that BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensates) has the least kinectic energy. Also, solids can't be squeezed into smaller spaces. Liquids have NO shape and has volume. Gases seperate from each other and expand to fill container. Lastly, Plasma is the most abudant in the universe and is known "super hot mass".

  16. MT
    Period 7

    In class today, we discussed The States of Matter. We learned about plasmas, gases, liquids, solids, and BECs (Bose Einstein Condensates), which can only be found in labs because it needs to be in extreme cold. Plasmas also need to be in really hot places, but other than those two States of Matter, we see liquids and solids, or smell gases, all the time. We usually smell gases first instead of seeing them because its particles are more separate than liquids, whose particles are still more separate then solids, and solids whose particles are close together. Researching The States of Matter further would be great since they seem very interesting!

  17. HT
    Period 5
    I learned in class today there are two other states of matter than solid, liquid, and gas. The other two states are plasma which an example is the sun and Bose-Enstein Condesation which can only be made in a lab. Exapmles of the other states would be a glass of water for liquid, a chair for a solid, and steam for gas.

  18. Pmp

    Period 2

    Today in science we learned about liquids, solids, gas, plasma, and BEC. The newest thing I learned about was plasma and BEC.

  19. There's 4 types of matter like gas and plasma etc.

  20. DB
    Period 7
    Today in class, I learned about 5 states of matter. There was the BEC's which can only be found in extremely, unreal, temperatures. Then, there are solids, liquids, and gases which we pretty much see in everyday life. Finally, theres the plasma which is found in extreme heat. I learned that BEC's have the least kinectic energy. Solids are compacted together tightly while gases are free flowing and liquids are a little bit of both.

  21. Today in class, we talked about the five states of matter. To me, out of all five, I found that BEC (Bose Einstein Condensates) was the most interesting. This can only be created in labs because of the extreme cold temperatures it takes for this to form. Also I learned that BEC has the least amount of kinetic energy. Finally, I learned that this was created by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein in1924–25.

  22. EM
    Today in class, welearned about the 5 states of matter. There was the BEC's, solids,liquids,gas, and plasma. The BEC's can only be found in extremly cold tempretures. And plasma which can also can only be found in extremely hot tempreture.i aslo learned that plasma has the GREATEST kinectic energy and BEC's have the least kinectic energy.And also, gases are compacted very apart and are free flowing, solids are compacted together tightly while liquids are a little bit of both.

  23. C.E. P.5 states of matter, forms of matter differing in several properties because of differences in the motions and forces of the molecules of which they are composed. The states of matter are also known as phases of matter or states of aggregation. There are three commonly recognized states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. The molecules of a solid are limited to vibration about a fixed position.

  24. Today in class, we learned about the 5 states of matter. There was the BEC's, solids, liquids, gas, and plasma. The BEC's can only be found in extremly cold tempretures. And plasma which can also only be found in extremely hot tempreture.I aslo learned that plasma has the GREATEST kinectic energy and BEC's have the least kinectic energy. And also, gases are compacted very apart and are free flowing, solids are compacted together tightly while liquids are a little bit of both.

  25. DG
    Period 3
    Today in class I learned about 5 states of matter solid,liquid,plasma,gas,and BEC.(Bose-Einstein condensate)was predicted by scientists, Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein.

  26. Cm
    Period 7
    Today in class we learned that there are 5 states of matter. BEC, liquid, plasma, solid, and gas. I learned that BEC was discovered by scientists such as Albert Eintsein.

  27. KM
    Period 8
    Today in class i learned that basically the colder or warmer an object is, it changes from different states of matter. The coldest is BEC,then it is Solids, next liquids, gasses, and finally the hottest plasmas. i also learned that plasma is a state of matter I see every day. I also learned that it is naturally occurring on our planet.

  28. AB Period 1 In class we learned about the five states of matter. The five states of matter are Bose Einstein condensate(BEC),Solid's, Liquid's, Gasses, and Plasma's.

  29. N.K.
    Per 7
    Today we learned about the five states of matter. The reason that matter changes state is due to its kinetic energy. Solids have the least kinetic energy because the molecules are packed very close together. Liquids have a little more kinetic energy because the molecules can move around easier. Gases have more than solids or liquids because the molecules are spread the farthest apart and are able to bounce off each other quickly. At either extreme are the BECs and plasmas. BECs are super cold so they have the least kinetic energy. Plasmas are super hot so they have the most kinetic energy.

  30. SP
    Period 7
    Today in class we learned the 5 states of matter they are BEC, Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. There was one new matter called Bose Eisenstein Condensate (BEC). The scientists that predicted BEC in 1920s are Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein. BEC and Plasma are opposite. BEC is the coldest matter and Plasma is the hottest matter.

  31. ID
    Period 7
    Today in class i learned about the 5 states of matter. BEC, solids, liquids, gas, and plasma. Also, i learned that BEC has the least amount of kinetic energy then its solids, then liquids, then gas, then finally plasma with the most kinetic energy.

  32. pf
    period 3
    Today in class we learned about the 5 states of matter. BEC ,solids, liquid, gas,and plasma.

  33. EB
    Period 1
    Today in class we learned about the five states of matter. BEC(Bose-Einstein condensate), solids, liquids, gasses, and plasma. They are listed in in order from least kinetic energy to the most kinetic energy. I am excited to learn more about the states of matter!

  34. ES period 7
    today we learned about the 5 states of matter. From least to the most kinetic energy, the states of matter are BEC, (Bose Einstein condensates) solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. I learned that plasma is the most abundant in the universe while BEC is a cold blob. I enjoyed learning about the 5 states of matter and what they consist of!!

  35. MA
    Period 8
    Today, I learned about the 5 states of matter, from the coldest, to the hottest; Bose Einstein Condensates (BEC) to solids, to liquids, to gases, to plasma. Personally, I found BECs to be the most interesting since it was actually the first time I've ever heard of it. A BEC is basically a big, cold blob, but doesn't have the properties of a solid or a liquid.

  36. Jacob Rivera

    Today in class we were learning about the five states of matter. The five states were called Bose Einstein Condenstate known as BEC, solids, liquids,gasses. and plasma. It was very fun in class because we had learned and reviewed the four states of matter.. But now we had learned that their is five and the fifth one is BEC. We already know the four and like I said earlier it was fun and the students and I had a great time learning this.

  37. ED Per.3

    BEC solids liquids gases and plasma, those are the five states of matter. BEC has the least ammount of kinetic energy, while plasma has the most.Examples of these states of matter are, One BEC is a cold "blob" solid can be a pencil or pen.Liquid can be water gas can air,and plasma can be the suns rays.

  38. VA per3
    today in class we learned about the 5 states of matter BEC, solids, liquid, gas and plasma. Also BEC we can find in lads.

  39. Austin Lotito
    Period 3

    Today, we learned about the five states of matter. Bec has the least amount of energy and plasma has the most energy. Bec is also known as Bose Einstein Condenstate.

  40. Period 8
    In class today, we learned about the five states of matter. The five states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC). This was created by two amazing scientists: Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose. We also learned that the hotter an object is the more energy it has. Therefore, BEC exists in extremely cold temperatures, barely above zero. So far scientists have only been able to create it in a lab. The only visual picture we have of a BAC is a computerized object. Next state of matter is a solid. In a solid, the atoms and molecules are tightly packed together. The atom will not be able to change its position at all. Then, it is a liquid. Liquids will fill up the shape of the container that it is in. For example, if you pour H2O into a cup, it will take the shape of the cup that you are pouring it into. A liquid is also difficult to compress. After that, it is a gas. A gas can fill any container no matter how big or small it is. Gas also requires a little force to compress. Next, is plasma. Plasma is not as usually seen as a solid, liquid, or gas. A light bulb or the stars is good example of plasma. We learned a great amount of information about the five matters in science today!

  41. Joshua Kuczek
    JK Period 3

    Today in class I learned that there was a fifth matter called Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). We also learned that BEC has the least kinetic energy, and that plasma has the most.

  42. Today in class I learned about the five states of matter which I found extremely interesting. These five states are BEC'S(Bose Einstien Condensate) , Solids, Liquids, Gasses, and Plasmas. BEC'S can be described as "super cold blobs" that so far have only been able to be created in a lab. Solids Liquids and Gasses can be inter changed between one another. For example, and extreme tempetures, solids turn to liquids and liquids can turn to solids.

  43. RR
    Today I learned about the 5 states of matter.The states of matter are BEC,(Bose Einstein condensates) solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. BEC was predicted by scientists, Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein. I also learned that plasma is the most abundant out of all.

  44. JY
    Period 8

    Today we learned about the five states of matter. The five states are BEC's (Bose Einstein Condensate), Solid, Liquid, Gases, and Plasma. The state that the matter is in depends on the temperature. BEC happens at a little above absolute zero. The atoms in the matter clump together and loose their identity. This causes them to form one blob that works together.

  45. EH
    Period 7

    Today in class we learned about the five states of matters-Bose Einstien Condensatesa(BEC), solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. Also that solids can't be compressed, liquids take the shape of the container they are in, gas molecules are very spread out, BECs can only be found in labs, and plasmas are the most abundant on earth.

  46. SR
    Period 8

    Today in class I learned about the five states of matter. They are the Bose Einstein Condensate, solids, liquids, gas, and plasma. The Bose Einstein Condensate was predicted first by Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein in the 1920s. In 1995, two scientists Cornell and Weiman first created the condensate. The condensate made by both scientists used the element rubidium. Plasmas are the opposite of the Bose Einstein Condensate which are extremely hot.They could be found in stars and fluorescent light bulbs. In the BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate) there is less kinetic energy happening while in plasma there is more kinetic energy. The Bose Einstein Condensate only could be found in a lab and so far shown in a computerized model. Solids hold their shape and are tightly packed together with molecules. They can not change their position at all. A liquid takes up a shape of a container and is difficult to compress. Solids are even harder to compress but gasses are easier to compress. If liquids are dissolved with a variety of materials it is a solution. Gas can fill up a container of any size and it includes oxygen, carbon dioxide,etc. Gas also have atoms bouncing around constantly. For example, a soda can rush out carbon dioxide which was compressed into a can. We learned a lot about the five states of matter in science class today and hope that is enough information for you to know.

  47. CT
    Period 2
    Today in class we learned about the 5 states of matter. they are Bose Einstein Condensatesa(BEC, solids, liquid, gas, and plasma. Solids keep their shape, water and gas spread to fill up their space. Plasma is the hottest and BEC is the coldest. BEC has the most kinetic energy while plasma has the least. Solids and liquds particles are close together. Gas is more spread apart.

  48. VP
    Period 5
    In class today we learned about the five states of matter. BEC (Bose Einstein Condensates) , Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma are the states of matter listed in order. We also learned that BEC has the least kinetic energy, and that plasma has the most.

  49. Jade Gonzalez
    Period 7
    In class today we learned about the 5 states of matter. Bose Einstein Condensate, liquids, gases, and plasma. BEC. has the least kenetic energy. We also discussed solids can not be squeezed into smaller spaces. Also liquids have no shape, yet have volume. Lastly we learned gases are all around us, and plasma has the most kenetic energy.

  50. Michael Paolello
    period 2

    Today, in second period science, the class learned about the states of matter, liquids, gases, solids, plasma, and the newest one, added in 1995, B.E.C. We also made a chart of the states of matter. The chart showed us that liquids have no shape and that B.E.C. has the least kinetic energy. Also, we learned that gases fill a container because the particles separate from each other, and that Plasma is very hot. That was what I learned in science today.

  51. The States of matter are BEC, Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. The newest one out of them is BEC.

  52. JD period 8
    Plasma is by far the most common form of matter. Plasma in the stars and in the tenuous space between them makes up over 99% of the visible universe and perhaps most of that which is not visible.

    On earth we live upon an island of "ordinary" matter. The different states of matter generally found on earth are solid, liquid, and gas. We have learned to work, play, and rest using these familiar states of matter. Sir William Crookes, an English physicist, identified a fourth state of matter, now called plasma, in 1879.

  53. Jp per 3

    In class today we learned about the 5 states of matter. The matters were plasma,solids, liquids,gas and bec. We learn what they looked like, where they can be found,what they can do and the ones with the most kinetic energy to the least kinetic energy and least to most kinetic energy. The newest one was bec( Bose Einstein condensate) which two scientists predicted it but did not have the materials to find it.

  54. Gm
    period 5

    we learn about the 5 states of matter. how becs is the coldest and it has the laest kinectic energy and can only be found in a lab and plasma iot the hottest and it has the most kinetic energy and can be found in floresant lights. after becs comes solid liquid than gas. soiwith solids you could hold them and they cant be squeezed into a smaller space. with liquid they fill the shape of the container, and with gases they fill the container.

  55. GT
    Today in class we learned about the five states of matter. Thet are Solids, Liquids, Gas, Plasma, and BEC's condensate. I also learned that BEC's condensate can only be created in labs.

  56. NU
    Yesterday in class we learned about the 5 States of matter. They were solid, liquid, gas, plasmas and BEC, which can only be created in a lab.

  57. SD P8

    Matter is present in everything. Every object is packed of molecules are compactly arranged into solids. Liquids are loosely packed together and gases are far apart from each other. The change from liquid to gas is evaporation. The change from gas to liquid is condensation and the change from liquid to solid is called solidification.

  58. JG P3

    today we talked about the 5 states of matter. BEC ,solids, liquid, gas,and plasma.

  59. BS p8

    In science class today we talked about the 5 states of matter BEC ,solids, liquid, gas,and plasma. BECs are objects at absolute zero -273 degrees. Solids are objects that you can pick up and hold and have a fixed volume and shape. liquids are objects with a fixed volume but no fixed shape it will take to containers shape. Gas have no fixed volume or shape. plasma is gas that is electrically charged.

  60. Vincent Elopre, VE
    Period 8

    In science class today we talked about the 5 states of matter, which is made up of BEC's (Bose-Einstein Condensates), solids, liquids, and plasmas. Starting with the highest energy and temperature, plasmas are superheated masses of matter, and they are the most abundant in the galaxy. Plasmas also do not have any fixed volume or shape, being ionized gasses. For example, stars and lightning are made completely of plasma. With lower energy and temperature than plasmas, gasses fill the container they are in. Gasses have no fixed shape or volume, and gas molecules tend to bounce around excitingly, as they have higher energy compared to three states of matter. One of these three states of matter that gasses are just ahead of are liquids. Liquids are not exactly a solid, but not a gas either. They fill in the middle, like how they will fill a container and take its shape, for liquids have no fixed shape but volume. A common example of a liquid is water. Solids, on the other hand, contain little energy and their molecules are close together. They have a fixed volume and shape, and it will be very hard to compress a solid, for they can't be squeezed into smaller spaces. Ice is a solid created from freezing water. Last but not least are BEC's, or Bose-Einstein Condensates. Created only in labs in supercooled containers near absolute zero (-273 degrees celsius), BEC molecules have the least temperature and energy out of all the states of matter, and they behave differently from how we commonly perceive molecules. BEC molecules act as a whole (not in the way solids and liquids do), like a living blob. Superfluidity is usually explained with Bose-Energy Condensates.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. YM Period 2

    Today in class I learned about all five states of matter which are BEC (Bose, Einstein, Condensate) solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma.

  63. LJ Period 2

    I learned the 5 states of Matter in class today. About solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate). We also learned about kinetic energy which is an energy in motion and potential energy which is energy that doesn't move as much. I learned that BeC had kinetic energy and the most plasma.

  64. We learned about the States of Matter. We learned that solids are hard structures that at high and low temps can be changed into a liquid or BEC. Also, a liquid can be changed into a solid or gas if heated or cooled. I especially learned something new. I learned about BEC's which has has volume and a shape and least kinetic energy. I learned a lot today.

  65. In class we learned about the 5 states of matter which are solid,liquid,gas,plasma, and BEC(Bose-Einstein Condensate). BEC can only be found in a lab and is a super cold blob. All liquids can take the shape of a container! Plasma is the most abuntant in the universe it is a super hot mass. There is a big difference in temperature between plasma and BEC. Plasma also has the most kinetic energy and BEC has the least. A solids cells are close together, a liquids cells are almost as close as a solids, and a gases are seperate from each other. The five states of matter are very interesting!

  66. MW Per 8

    As you may remember I was absent so I had no choice but to research matter further if I wanted to actually answer this question correctly. I now know that there are five states of matter and that they are BEC, solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. BECs are basically a cold blob that is only found in labs and is the exact opposite of plasma. For, plasma has no volume, shape, is found everywhere in the universe, and has the most kinetic energy. All contrary to BECs. Those where the two states of matter that I was unaware about the other two states are elementary.

  67. IC
    PERIOD 7

    In science we have been learning about the 5 states of matter; solids, liguids, gas, plasma, and BEC( Bose Einstein Condensates). We are surrounded by all the different types of matter every day. A solid is something that doesn't ever change size or shape, like a piece of wood. On the other hand, a liquid is something that does not have a deffinite size or shape. Liquids take the shape of its container. Water is an everyday example of a liquid. A gas is matter that has no shape or size of its own. Gasses are always around us, even when the wind blows. Wind is moving air, air is many gasses mixed together. The fourth state of matter is plasma. Plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist. One example of plasma is a neon sign, neon signsare filled with gas. The last state of matter is BEC. BEC is a state of matter in which separates atoms or subatomic particles, cooled to near absolute zero. An example would be Rubidum, a soft silvery metallic element. I enjoy learning about this because i never knew there were 5 states of matter, I always believed it was the original three; solid, liquid, and gas.

  68. EC

    In science we learned the five states of matter: solids,liquid,gas,plasma, and BEC. These matters are always around us but in many different forms. This was the first ive ever heard of BEC.

  69. RL
    Period 5

    In science we discussed the five states of matter. BEC,solids,liquids,gas, and plasma. We learned that these states of matter are all around us even though we don't pay much attention to it. The water we drink is a liquid, your cellphone for example is a solid.I enjoyed learning about the five states of matter and hope to look further into them.

  70. AA
    Period 8

    The five states of matter are B.E.C, solid, liquid, gas and plasma. B.E.C. is a type of matter that has no kinetic energy. I cannot give an example of B.E.C. as they are only found in laboratories. Plasma has the most kinetic energy, and is the most abundant of all the types of matter. I was very interested in plasma, so I did some further research on it. Interestingly, in plasma the electrons wander away from the nuclei.

  71. AC-P3
    What I learned about the states of matter is BEC and plasma. BEC is a super cold blob that can only be made in a lab, it is about -200 degrees. Plasma is a super hot chemical that is only found in the sun.

    1. There are five states of matter, solid, liquid, gas, plasma and B.E.C.
