Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Roller Coaster Physics

In class this week, we will be building our own model marble roller coasters.  Physics is applied when real roller coasters are built and tested. How can you explain physics at work with Roller Coasters?


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  2. JG Period 3
    Physics works with roller coasters because you need fore on the cars to move the ride. Also, you need gravity to let the ride go down from the top.

  3. DB Period 7
    Physics is applied and works with roller coasters because a force in the tracks and cars start the ride by sending it up a hill. Then when it goes over the hill, gravity takes over guiding the car through the rest of the ride. Then finally when the cart gets back to its original start an opposite force will stop the car again.

  4. MT Period 7

    Physics are very important when it comes to building a roller coaster. After it gets pulled up by a motorized force, the roller coaster drops down since gravity forces it to, so it speeds up after that huge, plummet downward. It plunges down and that's when it captures energy to go through loops. As you can see, physics is a significant part if roller coaster building.

  5. SM Period 5

    Physics are very important when it comes to roller coasters. Roller coasters go up the hill from motor force. Then gravity takes over and forces it to go down the steep hill. When the cart goes through the loops the cart gains energy to keep moving. Without physics we wouldn't have such fun rides like the roller coaster.

  6. cm period 2
    the force of the rolller coaster car going up the track bring it up higher and faster. since f=mxa the force of the car equals the mass of the tracks times the acceleration of the belts. the car gains speed when it goes down the hill quickly and up and around the loops.

  7. DG Period 3

    Physics is really important when it comes to roller coasters because as the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity can pull it down a greater distance. The potential energy you build going up the hill can be released as kinetic energy and the energy of motion that takes you down the hill.

  8. Roller coasters is truly an important lesson in physics because most roller coasters involve momentum, inertia, and gravitational acceleration, with outside propulsion provided only at the very beginning of the ride.

  9. AL Period 5
    The roller coaster use force of gravity when fall and keep motion with accumulated force.

  10. EM
    period 7
    Physics is really important when it comes to rollercoasters because as the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity and force can pull and push it down faster and a greater distance.When the coaster goes through the loops, the coaster gains more energy so it will go faster. At the end, a force will stop it.

  11. NK Period 7

    Physics works with roller coasters in many ways. For example, when the coaster reaches the top of the peak, it has built potential energy. However, as it glides down the track, this energy becomes kinetic energy.

    Also, when a roller coaster goes through a loop, centripetal force is the force keeping the coaster on the track so that it doesn't fall off.

    Newton's laws also apply to roller coasters. The Law of Inertia states that an object in motion will remain in motion. Therefore, the coaster keeps moving with its kinetic energy unless acted on by a force.

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  13. DB
    Period 8

    Physics plays a big roll in the development of roller coasters. When your ride first begins, there is a force that pulls the coaster up the first incline. Once the cars get to the very top, gravity comes into play. The force of gravity pulls the coaster downward increasing its acceleration. Also the coaster will pick up a ton of speed coming down the hill. Finally, to stop the coaster comes Newtons First Law Of Motion. This states that an object in motion/rest will remain in motion/rest unless a net force acts upon it. In this case, to stop the coaster the net force is a metal piece under the tracks.

  14. JY
    Period 8

    Without physics roller coasters wouldn't exist. A roller coaster has no engine, so it is mostly moved by gravity and momentum. At the beginning of the ride you usually start with a steep incline to get the momentum started. Once the roller coaster reaches the top gravity pulls it downward and it builds speed. Gravity and momentum continue to power the roller coaster. Centripetal force keeps the roller coaster on the tracks when it goes in a loop. As Newtons First Law of Motion explains, an object in motion/rest stays in motion/rest until an net force acts upon it. Your body will want to continue to move in the same direction and at the same speed. Roller coasters always have secure harnesses to keep you in the seat. Eventually the ride will have to come to an end and a brake on the track will stop the roller coaster from moving.

  15. physics is very important to a roller coaster,because force starts the roller coaster,as it gets higher in the air gravity pulls it down,then when the ride it over force stops it

  16. Erik De OLiveira
    Period 2

    Roller Coaster Physics has to do with the speed of the roller coaster and gravity. The maintanence crue at the amusment parks have to make sure that the roller coasters are safe to ride and if not then they must close the ride until it is fixed. These people have been studying physics and thats how they know to keep the rides safe for everyone to ride on.

  17. S.P.
    Period 7

    A roller coaster ride is a thrilling experience which involves a lot physics. Part of the physics of a roller coaster is work and energy. When the roller coaster goes up we feel like we are about to fall out of our seats because it pulls us back. It carries us by very strong chains.

  18. Jade Gonzalez
    Period 7 Science 7
    Physics is very important to rollercoasters. Rollercoasters have to contribute alot to energy and work.
    Rollercoasters need force on the carts to let us have the thrilling experience we do.

  19. Roller Coaster Physics has to do with gravity and the how fast the ride is going. Physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Newton’s first law of motion states “once an object stays at rest it will not move until an unbalanced force pushes it." Physics has a lot to do with the first law of motion. In the movie we watched it stated that makers of the rides are trying to go faster than physics. I think rides will be more thrilling and more involved in the future.

  20. Roller Coaster Physics has to do with gravity and the how fast the ride is going. Physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Newton’s first law of motion states “once an object stays at rest it will not move until an unbalanced force pushes it." Physics has a lot to do with the first law of motion. In the movie we watched it stated that makers of the rides are trying to go faster than physics. I think rides will be more thrilling and more involved in the future.

  21. CS
    Period 8
    Without physics roller coasters can not roll down the tracks. They start out on a hill and gravity pulls it down. They also need the force and energy to move.

  22. J.H.
    Period 8
    Physics is necessary for the existence of roller coasters. To start the ride, a force stores energy as you are pulled to to top of the first slope. Once you get to the top, gravity, acceleration, and momentum will start the ride. Physics will help you stay in your seat as you loop upside down or corkscrew through the air using centripetal force. Also, Newton's first law is used when you come to a stop. The law says that when a object is in motion/rest, it will remain in that state until a net force acts upon it. The net force for a roller coaster is the brakes.

  23. S.L.
    PER. 3
    Roller coasters work through a combination of gravity and inertia, along with changes in force and acceleration. The forces change through out the position of the tracks which allow for the rider to stay in their seats. Physics looks at all of the factors and variables of an object and motion, predicting the outcome, like with a ROLLER COASTER.

  24. Giavanna
    period 5

    physics helps the roller coaster move, and friction helps it stop it helps it stop.

  25. Good job, I hope to see more comments tonight!

  26. SK
    Period 5
    Physics is important to a roller coaster. When it gets to its peak, gravity and force appears. When the coaster goes through a loop it builds alot a speed. When its at the end the force and the speed stops it.

  27. ER Period 3
    When you go down the hill of a rollercaoster grvity begins to pull you down.Potential energy moves the rollercaoster.

  28. pf
    per. 3
    when the roller coster get to the top of the hill the roller coster will pick up the speed and got to the next hill and it will keep doing this in till is stops

  29. JS
    Period 2

    Physics is very important to a roller coaster. When it gets to the first peak gravity, momentum and acceleration will start off the ride. When the coaster goes through a loop then you gain a lot of speed that will then help you through the rest of the ride. Without physics you would fall out of your seat when going upside down. At the end of the ride Newton's first law comes into play. This law explains that an object in rest/motion will remain that way until a net force acts on it. In a situation with a roller coaster, the brakes act as the net force and the roller coaster cart is the object.

  30. A rollar coaster has physics through oout the whole ride, like when it goes up the first hill it gains potential energy untill the top of the hill. At the top of the first hill the potential energy is at the maxium point and as it is going down the hill all the potential energy is lossed. Then, while it is going down, kinetic energy is gained. Every hill, corckscrew, and loop after the first hill has to be lower in elevatation than that hill.

  31. MP
    Period 1
    Phiscs is important in roller coasters because of gravity and the second law of motion. When the car gets to the top of the hill, gravity allows it to drop down. Then the mass and acceleration of the car gives it the force to go through the rest to the rollercoaster

  32. PA
    Period 2
    Roller Coasters are need phiysics for it to work. Roller Costers dont have and engin they use the first law. They use the first law by going down a fast hill and later is stoped by a net force (speacial track) and that is one of he laws it uses to move on the track. Also it uses physics to go on a loop.

  33. AY
    Period 1
    without physics there is no rollercoaster

  34. SR
    Period 8

    Physics are very important to rollercoasters. It helps the coaster by gravity trying to push it down. The laws of motion apply to the rollercoasters. For example is when the coaster is at motion it stays at motion until an unbalanced force acts on it like friction.

  35. Joshua Kuczek (I'm not sure if my name will come up as Jkuzz)
    Period 3

    With out Physics a roller coaster would not be able to roll, go up, down, side to side, or upside down. But physics has made this all possible.

  36. Kyle Miskovich
    Period 8

    The First and second laws of motion as well as potential and kinetic energy apply to a roller coaster. Firstly in the first law of motion an object stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.In a roller coasters spectacular turns,the car should, in theory go flying off, But the track,(the outside force)keeps the car on.
    In the second law of motion engineers could calculate the estimated velocity of the cart. first they would find the average speed the cart was on the track. Next, they use the formula Mass x Acceleration = Velocity.
    Lastly Kinetic and Potential energy are used. The first initial hill that gives the cart all of its kinetic energy has to be the tallest, no other hill or loop can have more potential energy than this, or else the cart would stop, then go backwards.(unless this is the desired effect)also if the cart does to many loops or too much action in general it may lose all of its kinetic energy and stop. Engineers have to calculate these to make sure their coasters are operable.

  37. AW Period 3
    It all as to do with force and acceleration.

  38. VE
    Period 8

    Physics is a very important component in the engineering of roller coasters. Both gravity and the laws of motion take place when the coaster is moving, because gravity pulls down on the coaster, allowing it to go down a hill. The gravity (net force) is pulling on the coaster, which was not in motion, demonstrating Newton's First Law of Motion. The coaster develops kinetic energy as it accelerates down the hill and eventually comes to a turn or loop. Wheel locking systems keep the coaster on the track, and the coaster loses some of its kinetic energy, which keeps the coaster moving, depending on how much it acquired from the acceleration on first hill and how much mass the coaster has. When the coaster comes near the end, and still has much kinetic energy left, then a hill can be placed to reduce that energy so it can finally stop.

  39. RL
    Period 5

    Physics are important to the function of roller-coasters.The force and the pull of gravity of the roller coaster car going down the first and highest hill is what allows the coaster to produce enough momentum for it to continue throughout the rest of the ride without the use of a motor.The first hill will always be the highest because of its need to produce momentum. By gravity pulling it down the rest of the hill, it gives it enough power to continue on with the ride and go at the right speed.

  40. SS
    Period 2
    Physics are important to make roller coasters function because friction helps the car stay on the tracks and kinetic energy and potential energy help it go fast.

  41. MA
    Period 8

    Physics are probably about eighty percent of a roller coaster ride. A roller coaster ride makes use of gravity, kinetic energy, potential energy, and momentum. The ride stores potential energy as it climbs the first hill, and releases it as kinetic energy as it shoots down the hill. Gravity affects it shoots down the first hill, at the same time creating forward momentum. It then uses this momentum to go up hills,slopes, and loops.

  42. Jenna Calero
    Period 1

    Phyiscs is one of the key components to establishing a roller coaster. Without phsics a roller coaster could not run properly, for example if you went on a loop with out using physics and Newton's Three Laws of Motion, you would plummit to the ground due to the gravitational pull that the roller coaster has. For a roller coaster to run properly, the roller coaster would have to have enough potential energy stored to outcome the hills, loops, ect.... If engineers made each loop go tighter and tigher after each loop and the hills smaller and smaller after each hill the roller coaster will work correctly. If when engineers made the first loop really big and the second loop bigger, it will not outstand the loop! Gravity will pull the roller coaster down and will crash. Engineers should always double check their calculations and keep in mindof physics and Newton's Three Laws of Motion.

  43. PMP
    Period 2

    Physics is what lets a roller coaster do all of the twist and turns. The laws of motion is also involved with this. An example is when the roller coaster goes as fast as it can but then slows down at the end with friction.

  44. EH
    Period 7

    The main purpose of the roller coaster is to build up potential energy. Force brings the coaster up the hill then gravity pulls it down. The potential energy you build going up is released as kinetic energy on the way down.

  45. ID
    Period 7

    Without physics roller coasters couldn't exist. Physics allow the coaster to go up and down and do all the twists and turns. If physics didn't apply gravity would pull it down and it would crash.For example if there was no physics when the coaster went to do a loop, you would fall right out of your seat.

  46. Physics is important to roller coasters because it involves gravity and friction. Without friction, the roller coaster would never work.

  47. GT Period 8

    Physics is important to roller coasters. As the car on the roller coaster track is pulled up the first hill, it gains potential energy. When the car reaches the very top, it is when it has the most potential energy. On the car's way down the hill, around the turns, and through the loops, it releases the potential energy that has been stored, as kinetic energy.

  48. CM period 8
    Roller coasters wouldn't be what they are without without physics.

  49. IC Period 7

    A roller coaster ride is a thrilling experience which involves physics. Part of the physics of a roller coaster is the physics of work and energy. The ride often begins as a chain and motor exerts a force on the train of cars to lift the train to the top of a very tall hill. Once the cars are lifted to the top of the hill, gravity takes over and the rest of the ride is an experience in energy transformation. At the top of the hill, the cars possess a large quantity of potential energy.The car's large quantity of potential energy is due to the fact that they are elevated to a large height above the ground. As the cars go down the first drop they lose much of this potential energy in accord with their loss of height. After the cars gain kinetic energy.The train of coaster cars speeds up as they lose height. Then, their original potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. As the ride continues, the train of cars are continuously losing and gaining height.

  50. EB
    Period 1

    Physics are important to roller coasters because the roller coasters use use force to go up the hill and gravity takes gravity takes over once the coaster goes over the first hill. With out physics the coaster would crash. If you did a loop with out potential energy behind it the roller coaster would fall when you reach the top.

  51. Kinetic and potential energy as well as Newton's Laws of Motion apply to keeping a roller coaster moving and on track. The first law of motion, which is an object in motion /at rest, will remain at rest/in motion, until an outside force acts on it. This law is applied when it comes to keeping the roller coaster on the track. Technically, the roller coaster is supposed to go flying off the track, but the track and the wheels use friction to keep it firmly on the track. The second law is also used when the engineers who build the roller coasters need to determine how much force they need to keep the roller coaster moving. The second law is an objects force is determined by its mass times acceleration. They use the formula force=mass x acceleration to calculate this. The third law of motion is used when the roller coaster is guided to the beginning of the ride. The third law is for every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. When the roller coaster starts the ride, it pushes back then it is pushed forward again. Plainly, the three laws of motion play an important role in keeping roller coasters fun and safe at the same time.

  52. NH
    Period 5

    Roller coaster physics has to do with positive g's and negative g's

  53. JS Period 1
    Physics are important when it comes to roller coasters because it allows the marble or roller coaster cart to turn, lift, speed up, slow down, accend and decend. Also without physics, the roller coaster would fall or crash and ruin the ride. Lastly without physics, the ride would be unstable so everybody would fall out of their seats and get hurt.

  54. ES period 7
    Physics is important to roller coasters. Gravity and the laws of motion take place while the roller coaster is moving. Momentum and acceleration will start off the ride. Once the coaster goes through a loop, it will gain lots of speed that will occur throughout the ride. Without the role of physics, passengers would fall out of their seat when reaching a loop. At the end of the ride, Newton's first law comes into play.

  55. Physics play a huge role in roller coaster physics.When the car is inching up the hill the roller coaster is gaining potential energy.But when it reaches the top it is turned into Kinetic energy and from then on the energy will never gain again until the ride is over

  56. CT
    Period 2
    physics is really important to thrilling roller coasters. As the roller coaster climbs up the hill it uses potential energy. Once the roller coaster gets to the top gravity takes over. any hills after the first one can not be bigger or the roller coaster will not make it up. Newtons first law says that an object in motion will stay in motion until an outside force acts on it. This means that the roller coaster will keep going until it reaches a hill or something bigger than the initial hill and gravity can not help it. Roller coasters need physics to work.

  57. VA
    Physics helps the roller coater when to move and when to stop.

  58. Physics apply to rollercoasters because of potential energy and kinetic energy. When the roller coaster is on the first hill going up, that is potential energy. It is potential energy because the car's energy is waiting to be released.When the car makes its way down the hill and goes around bends and loops, that is all stored up and released as kinetic energy. The first law can apply to roller coasters when the car's breaks act upon it to stop it. The second law of motion (F=MXA)applies to roller coasters when it drops or rolls down the hills. The 3rd law of motion is when you feel a "push" on your seat. That's the train acting on you. Without the seat belts, when the train stops, you would go flying. The act of physics is all about roller coasters, from the turning of the car to how the train climbs up the hills. It is all because of physics and Newton's 3 laws of motion.

  59. JM per 1 Roller coaster work because the first hill gives the car the boost it needs. Since all the hills after it are smaller then the first one. The roller coaster has the potential energy to make it up. The cars can release all the stored up kinetic energy that has been stored up

  60. Physics are a big part of a coaster. The main purpose of the roller coaster is to build up potential energy. The potential energy builds its way going up and released as kinetic energy on its way down. If physics didn't apply gravity it would pull it down and it would crash.

  61. Physics has allot to do with roller coasters. If a roller coaster is getting pushed up to the top of the track and then dropped down it would need more speed to get faster and faster to get to the end of the roller coaster. roller coasters use allot of friction. when roller coasters move they are making friction with the track. roller coasters use kinetic energy because roller coasters get pulled to a height and then are released . so the roller coaster uses kinetic energy to get down. all this happens with physics.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Physics is a very important part when designing a roller coaster. A roller coaster cart does not have an engine so it has to rely on gravity. All roller coasters must start off on an incline or decline to accelerate. Most often the coaster is lifted up to the top then dropped. This allows gravity to give the coaster speed. Newton's laws are also a very important part when building a roller coaster. The coaster will have to stop because a object in motion stays in motion unless an outside force acts upon it. The second hill or loop will be the outside force and slows down the coaster. Air resistance is also a very important part. If the coaster has too much air resistance the ride will be to slow and boring. These are some of the physics that are part of roller coasters.

  64. EC5

    When your on a roller coaster theres always that steep hill. Once you reach the top theres a large amount of potential energy. but when your at the bottom the potential energy decreases and the knetic enery increases.As the ride continues, the train of cars are continuously losing and gaining height.

  65. Physics can be used in roller coasters. When the roller coaster goes uphill, it is an energy call Potential Energy. Once it goes downhill, it is Kinetic Energy. Kinetic Energy is energy in motion. Also, even while a roller coaster is going fast, it will stop on a force that acts upon it to make the roller coaster stop. That is Newton's First Law of Motion also known as the Law of Inertia.These are just some of the things of how a roller coaster can relate to physics in science.

  66. Physics is very important when it comes to building roller coasters.Gravity is the driving force of roller coaster. Gravity pulls the coaster down steep slopes.The higher the lift, the more the potential energy.As a roller coaster starts to descend from a hill it's velocity increases. Kinetic energy is also another name for motion energy.Friction is the main cause of energy leaks in the system.Friction opposes motion by working in the opposite direction.Centripetal acceleration points toward the center of the circular path.G forces are used for explaining the relative effects of centripetal force that the rider feels when on the ride. Coasters are all unique and some are just more complicated than others.All coasters are made of physics.

  67. CR
    period 2
    Physics help roller coasters by acceleration.Acceleration helps because when the roller coaster accelerates through the loop it still remains constant speed.

  68. MH
    Period 5

    Physics is a necessity when it comes down building rollercoasters. You need both potential and kinetic energy. You cannot have a hill that is higher than the first hill or else your rollercoaster will not have enough kinetic energy to boost itself up. This is why physics takes part in building rollercoasters.

  69. In physics at work with a roller coaster is when the roller coaster goes down the hill the cart gains speed.No other hill can be higher then the first hill because it will not have enough speed to go over it.If the other hills are smaller then the first hill it will have enough speed to go over it and continue the ride.

  70. Jd period 8
    Physic is Applied to rollercoasters when the cart is getting pulled up the track which is potential energy. When it makes it to the top it has the most potential energy then when it drops gravity takes affect forcing it down

  71. Jd period 8
    With the kiNetic energy it is push thought the tracks and finally making a stop with newton's first law when the brake kick in stopping it.

  72. ACI period 8
    Physics and Roller coasters are greatly related. When a roller coaster is at the top of the hill, it has its highest potential energy possible. As the car decreases down the hill, that potential energy transitions into kinetic. This process happens every time a coaster goes up and down a hill.Inertia also plays a big role in resisting changes in motion, every time the ride goes up and down, and around corners or curves. When the conveyer belt lets go, the only energy this this high thrill ride is running on is gravity. Also, without gravity, when the ride goes down a hill, we would fly out of our seats.

  73. PG-Pd.2:
    Physics can work with roller coasters by when the car rises up the potencial energy rises by when it goes down the energy goes down with the car.

  74. A.L.Pd5-
    Right now in class were learning on how to make a cardboard roller coaster and to do that we got hard cardboard and a marble to make it.

  75. FD-Pd7: Main part of making a roller is using physics. when the roller coaster goes down the first hill gravity takes over the ride. if the first hill is smaller then the second then it wont get the boost to go over it. Lastly if you don't use physics to build a roller coaster it wont be fun or safe.

  76. The purpose of the coaster's initial ascent is to build up a sort of reservoir of potential energy. The concept of potential energy, often referred to as energy of position, is very simple: As the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity can pull it down a greater distance. The potential energy you build going up the hill can be released as kinetic energy -- the energy of motion that takes you down the hill.

  77. Andrew Irwin
    Period 8
    Without physics roller coasters would not be as fun as they are today. They would not be able to go through sharp turns, loops, and many other types of obstacles. At the first hill, the roller coaster cars have to build up enough potential energy to get through the first obstacle and the rest of the track after that. While going down the firs decline, the roller coaster turns its potential energy into kinetic energy to get it through the first obstacle. While trying not to stop the cars, each obstacle has to be slightly smaller than the last because it doesnt run on an engine and is constantly slowing after it gets out of the first decline because of friction. Without physics, amazing rides like the roller coaster would not be possible.

  78. MW Per. 8
    Without physics there wouldn't be any roller coasters at all. They wouldn't be able to move never mind doing flips and tricks. A roller coaster is almost all self-motion-powered; except for when it is pulled up at the beginning. As long as any of the other parts of the track aren't higher than the first ramp the ride will continue to be fast and furious. In conclusion, without physics the roller coster would not be possible.

  79. What you may not realize as you're cruising down the track at 60 miles an hour is that the coaster has no engine. The car is pulled to the top of the first hill at the beginning of the ride, but after that the coaster must complete the ride on its own. You aren't being propelled around the track by a motor or pulled by a hitch. The conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy is what drives the roller coaster, and all of the kinetic energy you need for the ride is present once the coaster descends the first hill..

    Once you're underway, different types of wheels help keep the ride smooth. Running wheels guide the coaster on the track. Friction wheels control lateral motion (movement to either side of the track). A final set of wheels keeps the coaster on the track even if it's inverted. Compressed air brakes stop the car as the ride ends.
    Period 7
    Nieven Urbano

  80. D.E. Period 5

    Roller coasters function because of the laws of physics. The roller coaster would not be able to do loops and stay on tight curves if physics did not exist. When the roller coaster comes to a complete stop this is known as Newtons First Law of Motion.

  81. IG-Pd.5-One of newtons laws applies to a roller coaster.
