A Scientist will use the Scientific Method to try and solve a problem.
Why is it important to follow the steps? Could you solve one of your own problems by using the Scientific Method? Visit: http://www.biology4kids.com/files/studies_scimethod.html
NXB period 1 if you don't follow the steps of the method it can chage the varybulls of the problem.i could use it to see what season do some plants grow the best
FB PD 1 I believe that it is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because without it or the steps, it would be much harder to research something and improve humanity. No, I can't solve one of my own problems with the Scientific Method, because the Method is used for researching and hypotheses, where my problems would not be able to be researched, or a hypothesis written.
SF Period 6 If you don't follow the steps of the method it will make it difficult to find a solution to a problem that affects the whole world like cancer. Also if you don't follow the method you might get the wrong data which in term could kill someone.
KH Period 1 I think it is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method. Without the steps, the process of creating a conclusion would be much harder. I could use the scientific method to solve one of my problems because it would help me create a hypotheses of what could be creating the problem, as well as a conclusion.
It is important to follow the steps because if you don't you can mess up one of your experiments and then that could change the process and it would change the results. No, i wouldn't be able to use the Scientific Method to solve any of my own problems.
It is important because they'll be unorganized.That results in longer and harder work.I could use this method in figuring out why and when the earths days get longer or shorter.
KP PD2 It is important to follow the steps because if you have a problem or doing an experiment, not following the steps will make a mistake a mistake you will regret. Following the steps will give you an idea if you are doing anything wrong on something or figure out a problem. No, this wouldn't work on any of my problems.
TG Period 2 It is important to use the scientific method for many reasons. One being it is an organized way to solve a problem. By using it you will not only solve your problem, but understand how you got your conclusion and why it worked. it also helps by giving you a order to do things in. This way you are never confused. You will always know what to do. I think I could use the scientific method to solve one of my problems because you can make a hypothesis and experiment with anything.
Period 3 It is important to use and follow the steps of the scientific method. As Mrs. Zazzali said in class, the scientific method can be used to solve problems as simple as opening a locker to something as complex as Global Warming. Yes, I can use the scientific method to solve my problems. For instance, if I want to be able to get from my locker to gym in a quick fashion, I may use the scientific method. I can then find the most efficient route to gym, and make it to and from my locker without being late. The scientific method is revolutionary and can definitely be used to solve my problems.
NA period 6 It is very important to use the scientific method because you can use the scientific method to solve any problem. Yes, I can use the scientific method to solve one of my own problems. For example opening my locker, which I had trouble with.
NI Period 6 The scientific method is a significant solution to use for everyday problems. This method can be a long but is an efficient way of solving tests, experiments, theories, etc. So for an example, I forgot my locker number. I can solve this by using the scientific method.
1. Locker number lost. 2. Think about what the combination might be. (maybe it was on a piece of paper that I maybe put in a folder I have now). 3. Collect the numbers that might be correct to you. 4. Check and right down the ones that did not work. 5. Found out how you can not make that mistake before and the combinations for different things so you don't get confused
DH period 2 You use the scientific method in everyday situations everyday. For example your making a cake the steps for the scientific method would be:
1. Making a cake but don't know what the ingredients are.
2.think about any other cakes you have made in the PAST WHAT WERE THE INGREDIENTS?
3.Make a list of the things you just thought about.
4. Buy the groceries bring them home and try to bake the cake until you found the right ingredients.
5.Write down the recipe on a piece of paper and hang it on the fridge
It is very important to follow the scientific method to solve any problem you come across. The steps will help you. For example, if you get late to class all the time, you can use the scientific method to figure out how to be early.
Most people can make a answer a question without the scientific method, but the scientific method ensures that your answer will be mostly correct. the scientific method is a method able to solve many life problems. It can help you from money to what to wear and how many buttons in your button collection.
it is important to use the scientific method in science cklass but i would not use in everyday life. but, you may use all the time and not even realise it.
The scientific method is a great way to solve problems. It can be used in everyday life. It is an easy way to solve the problems and not that complicated. A problem you can solve with it is finding your locker combination.
The scientific method is not only what we reviewed in class scientists use it to solve world problems ex:global warning or medicine for cancer. as you stated we also use it to solve problems in science class by using the steps to figure out the problem
DE Period 5 The scientific method could be used to help find a way to get your books between classes, or find a way to unlock your locker faster. There are so many ways the scientific method could be used!!!!
JG Period 7 It is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because if you skip a step it could throw off your whole experiment. For example, if you skip Step 4(analyzing your results) you would not be able to draw a conclusion at the end of your experiment. Yes, I can use the Scientific Method to solve one of my own every day problems. For instance, I would be able to solve my problem of not being late picking up my sister. Everyday for one week I would take a different route to get to my sister. Each day I would time myself on how long it takes. At the end of the week I would analyze my results and decide that the shortest route is the one that I should take to pick up my sister.
Utilizing the scientific method is crutial to scientists, especially because it helps them stay organised and allows them to have the greatest chance of reaching success. The scientific method can help you solve everyday problems and questions you may have, such as how much to water your plants.
The scientific method is a way to solve a problem. Although you probably think you never used it, if you recall a problem that happened, you will discover that you used the scientific method. Everyone probably used it once a day if not multiple times. Here is a situation where you may have to use the scientific method.
1.You are late for school.
2.Try different things in to prevent being late.
3.Recapping what you do you do before you usually go to school.
4.Try to cut down on unnecessary things you do before school.
5.Attach a note where you'll usually be to remind you to get ready early.
The scientific method is important to follow because if your having a problem, you can use it to solve a problem. The scientific method gives you a better chance at success because you are planning it.
The scientific method is important because it is a useful way for everyday problems. it is useful for scientists because it helps to breakdown things. It would help me with a lot of things.
It is important to follow the rules of the scientific method because if you don't, your experiment won't work. I can use the scientific method by timing to see how long it takes me to get to school each morning.
CW Period 1 The scientific method is important because you have to use it in everyday problems.The steps are important to follow because if you have a problem, it helps you solve it. The scientific method breaks down your problem to help you solve it.
DS Period 7 It is important to follow the Scientific Method because if you don't, you may never solve your problem. Yes, I could solve one of my own problems by using the Scientific Method.
It is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because instead of being so unorganized with your research you can have a well organized plan of how your going to figure out the right answer. Also, I would be able to solve my own problems by using the Scientific Method.
CN Period 5 It is important to follow the steps of the scientific method because you can become unorganized and accumulate the wrong data, you can also lose track of your information. Yes, it can help me solve one of my own problems.
The scientific method can be used in many different ways. It can be used to solve science or daily life problems. For example, in our world scientists try to find cures to illnesses in our world. If a scientist doesn't experiment the medication numerous times to make sure that it works on every type of person it can harm or kill a consumer of the medication or product.
TS Period 6 The scientific method is important to help keep you organized and it can solve many problems. It also helps you with the data you collect. Personally it could help me with some as my own problems as well.
PB Period 1 The scientific method is good for problem solving. It is important to follow the steps because if you don't you can get the wrong results and data. Yes, I could solve many of my problems using the scientific method.
KF.7 The scientific method is extremely important when problem solving or doing an experiment. The scientific method helps you follow an order during problem solving. It can be used in many different ways such as figuring out a better route to get to your next class. First, decide what your problem is then make a hypothesis. Next, find all possible routes and experiment with which one works better. In the end, if your hypothesis was wrong make a new hypothesis.
The scientific method. 1.observe some aspect of the universe. 2. series of hypothesis. 3. use the hypothesis to make predictions. 4. test those predictions in a series of test. 5.repeat steps three and four until there right.
RS Period 6 It is important to follow the exact steps of the scientific method because if you don't, you might not get the right results to support you hypothesis. I could solve one of my own problems using the scientific method. For example, if you are having trouble visiting your locker between classes/getting supplies from your locker because you are becoming late, you can use the scientific method to solve your problem.
ND Period 6 It is important to follow the steps of the scientific methods for many reasons. If you do not follow the steps, your work will not be organized and the outcome of the hypothesis may be wrong. I think many of my problems are solved by using the scientific method and I don't even notice it.
It is extremely important to follow all of the steps in the Scientific Method. If you do not, your outcome will be affected. The Scientific Method can be used to solve all sorts or problems, including some of my own.
The scientific method is extremely crucial to the work of scientists. Without analyzing the problem the scientists may not even know what they have to write a hypothesis about and in which way they could benefit from their studies. Unfortunatley, this method can not help me solve any of my problems at school or home, in the sence that none of my problems are incorporated with science.
The scientific method is used to solve everyday problems. It is very helpful to use this method. You can make an hypothesis or prediction on what happens when you try something new. Next you analyze the results to see which is best. Finally you draw your conclusion on the end of the experiment.
For example...
Lets say you wanted to know the best way to get to a class on time.
1. Find out what the problem is with late.
2. Make a hypothesis of trying to find a way to get to class on time. 3. Test your hypothesis by trying out your plan.
4. Be sure to record your results to compare them.
5. Finally you can draw your conclusion on the best way to get to class on time.
The Scientific Method can be used to solve almost any problem, big and small. First you need to think of a problem. Then you experiment, refine the idea, and experiment more. After, you come to your final statement which is the conclusion to your problem. Without following these steps, your process would be ruined and your answer would most probably be incorrect.
CG Period 5 The scientific method is important because without it, scientists would be unorganized.This would cause much more work than necessary. Yes, it could solve some of my problems.
i think it is important to follow the steps of the scientific method for many reasons. It will help you be more organized. It also gives you an order, and if you don't do it your hypothesis could be affected.
Period 3 if you don't follow the steps of the method it can chage the varybulls of the problem and yes it could help me with one of my problems. if you dont use this method you could make a mistake that you might regret Mark ALday
In class to day we learned what the scientific method is and wrote definitions of the type of science. The three types of sciences we learned were life science, Physical science and Earth science. If you didn’t know life science is the study of living things. Also physical science is the study of matter, energy, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Earth science is the study of the earth, landforms, earthquakes, weather, rocks, minerals, and etc. The scientific method are steps you use to test a scientific problem. For example you use the scientific method to test if something floats or sinks. It is very important to use the scientific method and follow all of the steps to make sure you are accurate in your hypothesis.
JAC Period 1 The scientific method is very important for discovering new things in experimentation. However if you do not follow the steps correctly, the experiment would have to be redone or the results would not be correct
Period 3 G.P. The scientific method is a method used by scientists to make a theory. Their are 5 steps to this method. The steps are find a problem, form a hypothesis, data test, analyze, and draw a conclusion
its important to use scientific method because its the closest you can be to being abasalutly sure. You can use scientific method for everyday things like locker troubles or getting to class on time.
I believe it is important to follow all of the steps of the scientific method. If you leave out a step your conclusion might be different than normal. This is the best way to make sure your conclusion is valid. The scientific method is a great way to solve any problem you might have!
JM Period 5 The scientific method is an excellent way to solve problems.I could use it for my mosquito problem in my backyard.It is important to follow the steps so that I can come to an accurate conclusion and solution.
I think following the steps of the scientific method is useful because it helps you organize what you need to do to come to a conclusion or solution. Your results will be more reliable. It will make it easier to compare your results with someone else who followed the same method to solve the same problem.
Period 1 The scientific method is a very helpful method so you can solve problems . Think how we would be if we didn't have it . It can help you in all everyday problems like opening up your locker or find a quick way to get to class
IH Period 7 The Scientific Method is a great tool that many scientists around the world use. It helps them organize date and come to a conclusion for a problem. I believe that it is very important to follow all of the steps in the Scientific Method. If you miss a step, your results may change. I do believe that the Scientific Method can help me solve some of my own problems.
Ricky Roselli RR pd 3 It is important to follow the steps because it is an organized way of figuring something out. Yes this method can be helpful with most problems you can apply the steps to any situation.
ES Period 7 The Scientific Method is great to use if your thoughts are disorganized and maybe need certain steps to follow to solve a problem. It is important to follow steps to the Scientific Method. If one were to miss a step, if might cause your conclusion to change. Yes, I can use the Scientific Method to help solve a problem of my own.
It is very important to follow the steps to the Scientific Method. If you miss a step, it will most likely be incorrect and you'll have to start over. Yes, the Scientific Method can be used in my everyday life. Just because it is usually used for larger problems doesn't mean it can't be used for something smaller.
GJ period 6 The scientific method is helpful for scientist. Scientist must solve series of different questions. With the scientific method any question can be solved. Therefore, scientist can fiqure out if there hypothesis is right or wrong.
The Scientific method is everything to the scientist. It makes the scientist organized. If not there will be consiquences like missing information. We use it everyday to be organized
The Scientific Method can be used to solve something as great as a cure for cancer, but also can be used in everyday problems. It can also help you be very organized. I can use the Scientific Method to solve some of my problems.
Period 3 It is important to follow the steps to the scientific method so that you can correctly draw your conclusion in the end using all the data you've collected in order to fix the problem at hand. The scientific method could be used for many everyday problems. For example, period 3 is having trouble finding time to get to their lockers. Therefore, we are using the scientific method to fix this problem by recognizing the problem, making a hypothesis, testing our hypothesis, analyzing our results, and finally drawing conclusions.
MC Period 1 I think it's very important to follow the steps of the scientific method so that you can get an accurate result/solution to your problem. And some situations in your everyday life where you might use the scientific method is if you forget your locker combination, forget homework, or if you have trouble staying organized. Sometimes you use this procedure without even realizing it. Overall, the scientific method is very helpful. Even with the most simple situations.
SY Period 1 The scientific method can help any problem be solved. As long as you follow the steps you can get a lot of problems accomplished. First, you must come up with a hypothesis. Then you have to test your hypothesis. Next you have to analyze your results. Last you have to draw a conclusion. If you follow these you can solve your life problems. For example, if you are having trouble getting to class on time, you can follow the steps to the scientific method.
It is important to use the scientific method because it can help you learn the answer to anything, from anything as simple as opening a locker, to something much more complex such as discovering a cure for cancer. I use the scientific method to help me organize my books, or to help me do my homework
The scientific method is very useful in everyday problems such as becoming organized to learn how plats reacts to low gravity. But the scientific method could be used for modern day tech as well. Why wont my computer turn on. For most problems in life the scientific method could help you get your problem solved.
The scientific method is useful to scientists to help solve questions and problems. It is a series of steps that can help determine you to solve problems. Overall it is very important and every scientist should do this before making new things.
A Scientist would use the scientific metod and test his hypothesis and if the test doesnt work the scientist will be able to learn from his mistake and try again. If a scientist didn't use the method, the scientist might not solve the problem
A scientist would use the scientific method to find out and experiment to see if his hypothesis is correct. If his/her hypothesis is wrong, he/she would have to figure out a new one :)
It is important to follow the steps of the scientific method because if you didn't, you could mess up the experiment. And we can solve our own problems with the scientific method.
NXB period 1
ReplyDeleteif you don't follow the steps of the method it can chage the varybulls of the problem.i could use it to see what season do some plants grow the best
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DeletePeriod 6
ReplyDeleteIt is important because it gives them an organized way for them to solve the problem. Yes, it could help you solve one of my problems.
ReplyDeleteI believe that it is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because without it or the steps, it would be much harder to research something and improve humanity. No, I can't solve one of my own problems with the Scientific Method, because the Method is used for researching and hypotheses, where my problems would not be able to be researched, or a hypothesis written.
SF Period 6
ReplyDeleteIf you don't follow the steps of the method it will make it difficult to find a solution to a problem that affects the whole world like cancer. Also if you don't follow the method you might get the wrong data which in term could kill someone.
KH Period 1
ReplyDeleteI think it is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method. Without the steps, the process of creating a conclusion would be much harder. I could use the scientific method to solve one of my problems because it would help me create a hypotheses of what could be creating the problem, as well as a conclusion.
It is important to follow the steps because if you don't you can mess up one of your experiments and then that could change the process and it would change the results. No, i wouldn't be able to use the Scientific Method to solve any of my own problems.
ReplyDeleteJC PD 1
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps otherwise your experiment might get ruined. The Scientific Method can help with some of my problems.
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ReplyDeleteIt is important because they'll be unorganized.That results in longer and harder work.I could use this method in figuring out why and when the earths days get longer or shorter.
ReplyDeleteKP PD2
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps because if you have a problem or doing an experiment, not following the steps will make a mistake a mistake you will regret. Following the steps will give you an idea if you are doing anything wrong on something or figure out a problem. No, this wouldn't work on any of my problems.
AV Period 1
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow these steps because they are like guidelines for scientist. yes this would help some of my problems.
TG Period 2
ReplyDeleteIt is important to use the scientific method for many reasons. One being it is an organized way to solve a problem. By using it you will not only solve your problem, but understand how you got your conclusion and why it worked. it also helps by giving you a order to do things in. This way you are never confused. You will always know what to do. I think I could use the scientific method to solve one of my problems because you can make a hypothesis and experiment with anything.
Period 3
ReplyDeleteIt is important to use and follow the steps of the scientific method. As Mrs. Zazzali said in class, the scientific method can be used to solve problems as simple as opening a locker to something as complex as Global Warming. Yes, I can use the scientific method to solve my problems. For instance, if I want to be able to get from my locker to gym in a quick fashion, I may use the scientific method. I can then find the most efficient route to gym, and make it to and from my locker without being late. The scientific method is revolutionary and can definitely be used to solve my problems.
NA period 6
ReplyDeleteIt is very important to use the scientific method because you can use the scientific method to solve any problem. Yes, I can use the scientific method to solve one of my own problems. For example opening my locker, which I had trouble with.
NI Period 6
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is a significant solution to use for everyday problems. This method can be a long but is an efficient way of solving tests, experiments, theories, etc. So for an example, I forgot my locker number. I can solve this by using the scientific method.
1. Locker number lost.
2. Think about what the combination might be. (maybe it was on a piece of paper that I maybe put in a folder I have now).
3. Collect the numbers that might be correct to you.
4. Check and right down the ones that did not work.
5. Found out how you can not make that mistake before and
the combinations for different things so you don't get confused
DH period 2
ReplyDeleteYou use the scientific method in everyday situations everyday. For example your making a cake the steps for the scientific method would be:
1. Making a cake but don't know what the ingredients are.
2.think about any other cakes you have made in the PAST WHAT WERE THE INGREDIENTS?
3.Make a list of the things you just thought about.
4. Buy the groceries bring them home and try to bake the cake until you found the right ingredients.
5.Write down the recipe on a piece of paper and hang it on the fridge
It is very important to follow the scientific method to solve any problem you come across. The steps will help you. For example, if you get late to class all the time, you can use the scientific method to figure out how to be early.
ReplyDeleteMost people can make a answer a question without the scientific method, but the scientific method ensures that your answer will be mostly correct. the scientific method is a method able to solve many life problems. It can help you from money to what to wear and how many buttons in your button collection.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot what period your in... Darrin
Deleteit is important to use the scientific method in science cklass but i would not use in everyday life. but, you may use all the time and not even realise it.
ReplyDeleteJM Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is a great way to solve problems. It can be used in everyday life. It is an easy way to solve the problems and not that complicated. A problem you can solve with it is finding your locker combination.
SM Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is not only what we reviewed in class scientists use it to solve world problems ex:global warning or medicine for cancer. as you stated we also use it to solve problems in science class by using the steps to figure out the problem
DE Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method could be used to help find a way to get your books between classes, or find a way to unlock your locker faster. There are so many ways the scientific method could be used!!!!
JG Period 7
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because if you skip a step it could throw off your whole experiment. For example, if you skip Step 4(analyzing your results) you would not be able to draw a conclusion at the end of your experiment. Yes, I can use the Scientific Method to solve one of my own every day problems. For instance, I would be able to solve my problem of not being late picking up my sister. Everyday for one week I would take a different route to get to my sister. Each day I would time myself on how long it takes. At the end of the week I would analyze my results and decide that the shortest route is the one that I should take to pick up my sister.
KC Pd:7
ReplyDeleteUtilizing the scientific method is crutial to scientists, especially because it helps them stay organised and allows them to have the greatest chance of reaching success. The scientific method can help you solve everyday problems and questions you may have, such as how much to water your plants.
AD Period 2
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is a way to solve a problem. Although you probably think you never used it, if you recall a problem that happened, you will discover that you used the scientific method. Everyone probably used it once a day if not multiple times. Here is a situation where you may have to use the scientific method.
1.You are late for school.
2.Try different things in to prevent being late.
3.Recapping what you do you do before you usually go to school.
4.Try to cut down on unnecessary things you do before school.
5.Attach a note where you'll usually be to remind you to get ready early.
L C period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is important to follow because if your having a problem, you can use it to solve a problem. The scientific method gives you a better chance at success because you are planning it.
CR Period 2
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is important because it is a useful way for everyday problems. it is useful for scientists because it helps to breakdown things. It would help me with a lot of things.
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ReplyDeleteit is important you use the scientific method because is helps solve problems. it could solve one of my problems
ReplyDeleteBV Period 2
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the rules of the scientific method because if you don't, your experiment won't work. I can use the scientific method by timing to see how long it takes me to get to school each morning.
CW Period 1 The scientific method is important because you have to use it in everyday problems.The steps are important to follow because if you have a problem, it helps you solve it. The scientific method breaks down your problem to help you solve it.
ReplyDeleteDS Period 7
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the Scientific Method because if you don't, you may never solve your problem. Yes, I could solve one of my own problems by using the Scientific Method.
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ReplyDeleteJL Period 7
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps of the Scientific Method because instead of being so unorganized with your research you can have a well organized plan of how your going to figure out the right answer. Also, I would be able to solve my own problems by using the Scientific Method.
CN Period 5
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps of the scientific method because you can become unorganized and accumulate the wrong data, you can also lose track of your information. Yes, it can help me solve one of my own problems.
SS Period 7
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method can be used in many different ways. It can be used to solve science or daily life problems. For example, in our world scientists try to find cures to illnesses in our world. If a scientist doesn't experiment the medication numerous times to make sure that it works on every type of person it can harm or kill a consumer of the medication or product.
TS Period 6
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is important to help keep you organized and it can solve many problems. It also helps you with the data you collect. Personally it could help me with some as my own problems as well.
PB Period 1
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is good for problem solving. It is important to follow the steps because if you don't you can get the wrong results and data. Yes, I could solve many of my problems using the scientific method.
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is extremely important when problem solving or doing an experiment. The scientific method helps you follow an order during problem solving. It can be used in many different ways such as figuring out a better route to get to your next class. First, decide what your problem is then make a hypothesis. Next, find all possible routes and experiment with which one works better. In the end, if your hypothesis was wrong make a new hypothesis.
CT period 3
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method.
1.observe some aspect of the universe.
2. series of hypothesis.
3. use the hypothesis to make predictions.
4. test those predictions in a series of test.
5.repeat steps three and four until there right.
RS Period 6
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the exact steps of the scientific method because if you don't, you might not get the right results to support you hypothesis. I could solve one of my own problems using the scientific method. For example, if you are having trouble visiting your locker between classes/getting supplies from your locker because you are becoming late, you can use the scientific method to solve your problem.
ND Period 6
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps of the scientific methods for many reasons. If you do not follow the steps, your work will not be organized and the outcome of the hypothesis may be wrong. I think many of my problems are solved by using the scientific method and I don't even notice it.
LN Period 2
ReplyDeleteIt is extremely important to follow all of the steps in the Scientific Method. If you do not, your outcome will be affected. The Scientific Method can be used to solve all sorts or problems, including some of my own.
EH period 2
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is extremely crucial to the work of scientists.
Without analyzing the problem the scientists may not even know what they have to write a hypothesis about and in which way they could benefit from their studies. Unfortunatley, this method can not help me solve any of my problems at school or home, in the sence that none of my problems are incorporated with science.
JJ Period 2
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is used to solve everyday problems. It is very helpful to use this method. You can make an hypothesis or prediction on what happens when you try something new. Next you analyze the results to see which is best. Finally you draw your conclusion on the end of the experiment.
For example...
Lets say you wanted to know the best way to get to a class on time.
1. Find out what the problem is with late.
2. Make a hypothesis of trying to find a way to get to class on time.
3. Test your hypothesis by trying out your plan.
4. Be sure to record your results to compare them.
5. Finally you can draw your conclusion on the best way to get to class on time.
ZZ Period 3
ReplyDeleteThe Scientific Method can be used to solve almost any problem, big and small. First you need to think of a problem. Then you experiment, refine the idea, and experiment more. After, you come to your final statement which is the conclusion to your problem. Without following these steps, your process would be ruined and your answer would most probably be incorrect.
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ReplyDeleteCG Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is important because without it, scientists would be unorganized.This would cause much more work than necessary. Yes, it could solve some of my problems.
Abhineet Jain period 7
ReplyDeletei think it is important to follow the steps of the scientific method for many reasons. It will help you be more organized. It also gives you an order, and if you don't do it your hypothesis could be affected.
Period 3
ReplyDeleteif you don't follow the steps of the method it can chage the varybulls of the problem and yes it could help me with one of my problems. if you dont use this method you could make a mistake that you might regret
Mark ALday
In class to day we learned what the scientific method is and wrote definitions of the type of science. The three types of sciences we learned were life science, Physical science and Earth science. If you didn’t know life science is the study of living things. Also physical science is the study of matter, energy, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Earth science is the study of the earth, landforms, earthquakes, weather, rocks, minerals, and etc. The scientific method are steps you use to test a scientific problem. For example you use the scientific method to test if something floats or sinks. It is very important to use the scientific method and follow all of the steps to make sure you are accurate in your hypothesis.
ReplyDeleteJAC Period 1
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is very important for discovering new things in experimentation. However if you do not follow the steps correctly, the experiment would have to be redone or the results would not be correct
Period 3
The scientific method is a method used by scientists to make a theory. Their are 5 steps to this method. The steps are find a problem, form a hypothesis, data test, analyze, and draw a conclusion
its important to use scientific method because its the closest you can be to being abasalutly sure. You can use scientific method for everyday things like locker troubles or getting to class on time.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is important to follow all of the steps of the scientific method. If you leave out a step your conclusion might be different than normal. This is the best way to make sure your conclusion is valid. The scientific method is a great way to solve any problem you might have!
ReplyDeleteAdrian Sinani 7th Period
ReplyDeleteScientific method is supposed to help you figure things out. Scientist use this to conduct a series of test on medicines.
JM Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is an excellent way to solve problems.I could use it for my mosquito problem in my backyard.It is important to follow the steps so that I can come to an accurate conclusion and solution.
CH Period 6
ReplyDeleteI think following the steps of the scientific method is useful because it helps you organize what you need to do to come to a conclusion or solution. Your results will be more reliable. It will make it easier to compare your results with someone else who followed the same method to solve the same problem.
Period 1
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is a very helpful method so you can solve problems . Think how we would be if we didn't have it . It can help you in all everyday problems like opening up your locker or find a quick way to get to class
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
The Scientific Method is a great tool that many scientists around the world use. It helps them organize date and come to a conclusion for a problem. I believe that it is very important to follow all of the steps in the Scientific Method. If you miss a step, your results may change. I do believe that the Scientific Method can help me solve some of my own problems.
Ricky Roselli
ReplyDeleteRR pd 3
It is important to follow the steps because it is an organized way of figuring something out. Yes this method can be helpful with most problems you can apply the steps to any situation.
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
The Scientific Method is great to use if your thoughts are disorganized and maybe need certain steps to follow to solve a problem. It is important to follow steps to the Scientific Method. If one were to miss a step, if might cause your conclusion to change. Yes, I can use the Scientific Method to help solve a problem of my own.
RV Period 6
ReplyDeleteIt is very important to follow the steps to the Scientific Method. If you miss a step, it will most likely be incorrect and you'll have to start over. Yes, the Scientific Method can be used in my everyday life. Just because it is usually used for larger problems doesn't mean it can't be used for something smaller.
GJ period 6
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is helpful for scientist. Scientist must solve series of different questions. With the scientific method any question can be solved. Therefore, scientist can fiqure out if there hypothesis is right or wrong.
AS Period 3
ReplyDeleteThe Scientific method is everything to the scientist. It makes the scientist organized. If not there will be consiquences like missing information. We use it everyday to be organized
it is importent because it could messup how you get your answer and what it is
ReplyDeleteAC Period 5
ReplyDeleteThe Scientific Method can be used to solve something as great as a cure for cancer, but also can be used in everyday problems. It can also help you be very organized. I can use the Scientific Method to solve some of my problems.
Period 3
ReplyDeleteIt is important to follow the steps to the scientific method so that you can correctly draw your conclusion in the end using all the data you've collected in order to fix the problem at hand. The scientific method could be used for many everyday problems. For example, period 3 is having trouble finding time to get to their lockers. Therefore, we are using the scientific method to fix this problem by recognizing the problem, making a hypothesis, testing our hypothesis, analyzing our results, and finally drawing conclusions.
MC Period 1
ReplyDeleteI think it's very important to follow the steps of the scientific method so that you can get an accurate result/solution to your problem. And some situations in your everyday life where you might use the scientific method is if you forget your locker combination, forget homework, or if you have trouble staying organized. Sometimes you use this procedure without even realizing it. Overall, the scientific method is very helpful. Even with the most simple situations.
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ReplyDeleteSY Period 1
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method can help any problem be solved. As long as you follow the steps you can get a lot of problems accomplished. First, you must come up with a hypothesis. Then you have to test your hypothesis. Next you have to analyze your results. Last you have to draw a conclusion. If you follow these you can solve your life problems. For example, if you are having trouble getting to class on time, you can follow the steps to the scientific method.
L.H. period 6
ReplyDeleteWhy is it important to follow the steps? Could you solve one of your own problems by using the Scientific Method?
It is important to use the scientific method because if you don't you wont get accurate results.
I could use the scientific method to get my brother to stop him from annoying me.
It is important to use the scientific method because it can help you learn the answer to anything, from anything as simple as opening a locker, to something much more complex such as discovering a cure for cancer. I use the scientific method to help me organize my books, or to help me do my homework
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is very useful in everyday problems such as becoming organized to learn how plats reacts to low gravity. But the scientific method could be used for modern day tech as well. Why wont my computer turn on. For most problems in life the scientific method could help you get your problem solved.
ReplyDeletescience 7 period 7 mehul manian
ReplyDeleteThe scientific method is useful to scientists to help solve questions and problems. It is a series of steps that can help determine you to solve problems. Overall it is very important and every scientist should do this before making new things.
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ReplyDeleteNVB Period 2
ReplyDeleteA Scientist would use the scientific metod and test his hypothesis and if the test doesnt work the scientist will be able to learn from his mistake and try again. If a scientist didn't use the method, the scientist might not solve the problem
AH period 6
ReplyDeleteA scientist would use the scientific method to find out and experiment to see if his hypothesis is correct. If his/her hypothesis is wrong, he/she would have to figure out a new one
It is important to follow the steps of the scientific method because if you didn't, you could mess up the experiment. And we can solve our own problems with the scientific method.
ReplyDeleteVM period 5
DeleteHello I have a question on tonight's hw can you please email me at aaliyahkids@aol.com I need help