Friday, September 20, 2013

It was a WOW kind of day!

What did you think of our WOWBugs?  Did you learn anything new?  Visit


  1. Adley Ferreira
    period 3

    Wow bugs or Melittobia digitata are a species of parasitic wasp; WOWBugs are harmless to people, WOWBug's stinger is so tiny that it can't penetrate human flesh, WOWBugs are about the size of very small ants. They are best examined with a microscope, WOWBugs are harmless. They have no odor or other objectionable features. Although they poses a miniature stinger, they are incapable of stinging people. Although they have wings, they seldom fly. They cannot escape and multiply to become pests in the classroom. Wowbugs mature from egg to adult in 14-18 days, with adults living another week. Male wowbugs are blind and produce a pheromone to attract females.

  2. Costel Raducan
    Period 2

    WOWBugs is a species of a parasitic wasp. The scientific name is Melittobia digitata. They keep the balance between bees and flies. Even though they're pretty small, their stinger is pretty strong. Their stinger can't affect humans, so that's pretty helpful. They have wings, but they can't fly. Male WOWBugs have different antennas than female WOWBugs!

  3. D.R.
    period 2
    I learned that wow bugs are very small insects. They have a very short life span. Even though they have wings, they can't fly, they just hop. Wow bugs have a stinger that is completely harmless to humans.

  4. I have learned that Wowbugs are very small insects. The female can fly but males cant. We got to look at them though a microscope. It can reproduce and multiply. Too bad 198 Wowbugs died. HANG IN THERE WOWBUGS!!!!!!

  5. WOW!The WOWbugs that we encountered today were the smallest living specimens that I have ever seen in person. We also saw the dead ones too.They were a little bit hard to handle,but at least my group didn't kill a live one.
    Period 2

  6. Jin Leem
    Period 7

    I think that the WOWbugs were so interesting and fun to learn about.
    Also, I learned that WOWbugs are parasitic wasps that eat wasps. If we didn't have them we our world would probably be filled with flies. Their stingers can't affect humans. It was a shame that we didn't have a lot of live ones, but it was still so interesting to learn about.

  7. Wow bugs are very interesting and fun to talk about

  8. Micaela Mengen
    Period 3

    Today we learned about WOWbugs, tiny insects that can easily die if stuck in shipping for too long. These insects are about 1-1.5 mm big so its best to use a microscope if a student or teacher were to examine them. These WOWbugs or scientifically speaking, Melittobia digitata, have two body parts that don't really do what they are suppose to. First, they have stingers that can't sting humans! Secondly, they have wings that can't provide them transportation! If you ask me that's a complete waste of cells. However, a cool thing about these insects is that they can clean themselves off to keep clean. WOW!

  9. Luis Guerra
    Period 5

    I believe the WOWbugs were AMAZING!!! They are parasitic wasps and their name is Melittobia digitata. The male and female WOWbug are very different from their antennas to their wing size. They are not flying insects, but they do hop a distance. The only alive one was an interesting little guy. We will also remember the deaths of all of our other WOWbugs R.I.P.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. NA
    Period 3
    These little parasitic wasps are cool. WOWBugs or Melittobia digitata, to scientists, are super small. Their stinger can't hurt anyone. Seeing them under the microscope was so cool. They kinda look like little ants with wings that they can't use. Although everyone of them is dead but Henrrieta, they are still amazing little wasps!

  12. MC
    Period 2

    Today, we learned about WOWBugs. They're parasitic wasps that feed on other wasps. I bet if they didn't exist, this planet would be filled with flies. It's a good thing that they don't harm humans. Although they do have wings, they do not have the ability to fly; they only hop. Too bad most of the WOWBugs died during shipping.

  13. Danielle Lohf
    Period 6

    WOWbugs were really fun to work with even though all but one was dead. I learned that the scientific name is Melittobia digitata and that they were smaller than a pencil point. I also learned that they have wings but don't fly and that their stingers can't hurt humans.

  14. period 7
    WOW! These wowbugs were awesome. I really enjoyed watching them. Whats weird ,that i learnt, was that wowbugs are wasp eating wasps. Good thing they cant sting us!

  15. C.G Period 5
    The WOWbugs are paraitic wasps and even though they have a stinger, they can't harm humans. Their scientific name is Melittobia Digitata. Even thogh most of them died duing shipping,we still got to look at the dead ones. But even though they are small they are still cool to look at.

  16. GJ
    WOWBugs are actually really cool! I was very fascinated by their size. By using the microscopes I was able to look at the very small details on the bug. I learned that that by putting the flour on the bug you can actually see how it cleanses its self and it was really cool. Even though these little parasitic wasps don't look very interesting they are very interesting when you experiment wit them.

  17. WOWBugs are paratic wasps that are microscopic insects. Although at first I thought they can hurt you with their stingers, WOWBugs are so small that they can't harm us. I enjoyed looking at them, even though only two were alive since the rest of them died during shipping. It was strange to me that Wowbugs eat other wasps. The experiment was fun and I had never knew that

  18. a WOWbug is a parisitic wasp. Although it has a stinger it can not harm humans. Their scientific name is Melittobia Digitata. Although they are very small, they reproduce in large numbers and can kill a whole nest of wasps! WOWbugs are very cool!

  19. I thought the WOWBugs were really cool! They are parasitic wasps and are about the size of a pencil point so it was hard to see them without the microscope. Under the microscope the wasps were very detailed. Although most of the wasps were not alive the experiment was overall very interesting.

  20. LH period 2
    What did you think of our WOWBugs? Did you learn anything new? Visit

    WOWbugs are a parasitic wasps. These little "wasps" actualy eat wasps. The wowbugs are cool creatures.

  21. LC
    Period 5

    WOWbugs are parasitic wasps. They are very small and live short lives. Even though all died but 1, they were still very interesting to observe. Using the microscope made the insects look much bigger than they are. It was very interesting

  22. PB
    period 1
    WOWBugs are a type of parasitic wasp. They help control the bee and fly was interesting to see the WOWBug groom itself.Overall the experiment was interesting.

  23. Aaliyah Vega period 1
    WOW bugs are a microscopic type of bug that are very tiny and can only be seen clearly under a microscope. they are so tiny and delicate that you have t be SUPER CAREFUL that if you are just a little rough you accidentally kill them. but they help the bug population A LOT!!! who ever knew such a tiny bug can help the world i didn't

  24. DE Period 5 I learned that 1) WOWBugs can't harm us, 2) they are VERY small and cool, and 3) they help us because Mrs. Z said, " if WOWBugs didn't exist TWO common fruit flys can repopulate to cover the EARTH several inches thick! I'm glad they do exist! (reminder I did this on my I-pod touch)

    PERIOD 5
    This bug is very small and similar to a wasp. It is called the WOWbug. It is tiny yet can kill other bugs but it cant harm humans. It is a parasite. There was only two alive when they came so we study the dead ones and took turns watching the alive one walk.

  26. RS
    Period 6
    I was so WOWED at the WOWBugs! They were the tiniest organisms I have ever seen! WOWBugs are very small but very strong. We looked the WOWBugs, dead and alive underneath the microscope.

  27. I loved seeing Wow Bugs in person. They were so cool! I learned that they are a lot tinier then they are described to be.

  28. Z.A
    Period 7
    Wow bugs are a kind of parasitic wasp. They are as small as the tip of a pencil. They have wings but rarely fly. They have stingers but they can't really harm humans because their stingers are really tiny. It was fun handling the wow bugs in class.

  29. WOWBugs made me say "Wow!" inside. I learned that they do keep the insect population in the middle. Not too may, not too less. I didn't expect them to be that small and they can take out a whole bee colony. Also those bugs need air because we only had 2 alive during class. WOW!

  30. JAC Period 1

    Today we worked with the WOWBug. Some of us did at least, because a bunch of them were dead. But I was surprised that they were really that tiny. Next time I hope we can work with live ones.

  31. I thought wow bugs were really cool. They are parasitic wasp and are about the size of a pencil point so it was hard to see it with out a microscope. Under the microscope the wasps were very detailed. Although most of the wasps were not alive the experiment was overall interesting. They were the tiniest organisms I have ever seen! Wow bugs are very small but very strong. We looked at wow bugs that were alive and dead.

  32. I thought the WOWbugs were pretty cool. WOWbugs are a type of parasitic wasp but their stingers are so small that they can't hurt humans. Although most of the bugs died in the shipping, my group had a live one. We got to see it groom itself from the flour and I thought it was an interesting and fun experiment overall.

  33. I learned that WOWbugs are about the size of a pencil tip. Female WOWbugs are black and male WOWbugs are the color of honey or amber and cannot fly. Males WOWbugs are practically blind, while females aren't. The scientific name for a WOWbug is Melittobia digitata.

  34. AC P5

    I have learned that WOWbugs have wings but can't fly. I also learned that they keep the insect population under control. The other thing I learned was that two houseflies could reproduce enough flies to circle the Earth several centimeters deep.

  35. Akshaj pandey
    Per 8
    I found out that WOWbugs were a kind of parasitic wasp that was very tiny. Their scientific name is Melittobia digitata. This experiment was a lot of fun, other than the fact that Charlie killed our bug. Anyways, I thought that WOWbugs are a great way to learn about parasitic wasps while having fun.

  36. I learned that WOWbugs are miniscule parasitic wasps. Although all of them except the one shipping survivor died, they were still interesting to examine through the microscopes. The WOWbugs were a great scientific experience for students.

  37. I believe the WOWbugs were AMAZING!!!They are tiny parasitic wasps.
    They were interesting to examine through the microscopes.Even though only one of these tiny WOWbugs survived they were wowing.

  38. Keya Patel PD2
    I learned:
    1. WOWbugs are parasitic wasps
    2. Their stingers don't hurt big organisms
    3. Their scientific name is Mellitobia Digitata
    4. They can kill a whole nest of wasps
    5. If they didn't exist, the world would probably be covered in flies!
    I thought the WOWbugs were very fascinating. In my group, we got a dead WOWbug that was covered in some sort of gooey substance.........EEEEWWWW!!!!!

  39. RV per 6

    I thought the WOWbugs were very interesting considering their size. Their scientific name is Mellitobia Digitata. Being parasitic wasps they have stingers but not big enough to hurt a human. I wished that all 200 survived but at least there was still Henry to look at.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. OV period 6
    The WOWbugs were really interesting especially through the microscope!! They are parasitic wasps but cannot hurt humans. Also their scientific name is Mellitobia Digitata!

  42. JM Period 5
    Today I learned that wow bugs are really important because they control the housefly population.I also learned that they cannot hurt humans,and are about 1.5 millimeters. Even though they were dead, I thought it was really cool to see them under the microscope!

  43. I.H.
    Per. 7
    I found the WOW bugs very interesting. It was cool to look at them in a microscope and see their body parts, such as their stingers. I learned that the stingers are so small that they can't hurt humans.

  44. Brandon Villari Period 2
    I thought the WOW bugs were very fun an interesting because they were tiny little wasps with stingers that didn't effect humans. I'd like to learn more about them.

  45. EH Period 2
    The WOWbugs are a species of parasitic wasps that live of of other insects such as bees and wasps. Their detailed features are almost invisible to the naked eye. The tiny creatures are only about 2mm long. All in all, they are great tools for the classroom, and an interesting thing to observe.

  46. MA Period 3

    The WOWbug is a parasitic wasp. I thought it was very interesting when we looked at em. They are completely harmless. Although they have a stinger, its not even big enough to penetrae human skin.
    I would like to lear more bout WOWbugs

  47. You are doing great, keep it up! Keep WOWing me, lol!

  48. WOW! These tiny, little insects are so cool. They are amazing and make you say WOW when you see one. Even though I am not a fan of insects they are still breath taking. They are perfect for any science classroom.

    Period 2

  49. Katherine H Period 1
    WOWBugs are tiny parasitic wasps that can't sting people. WOWBugs are almost invisible to the eye. The scientific name of the insect is metobillia digitata. WOWBugs are really interesting and fun to work with in class

  50. WOW these parasites are amazing they feed on other insects and are harmless.its scientific name is Melittobia digitata. females have stingers that cannot pierce through the flesh of a human

  51. Adrian S Period 7

    WOWBugs are a very fun way of learning. We learned that these bugs have stingers that are harmless to us because they are so small. We were also able to see the bugs brush off the flour from themselves. Overall this project was inspiring and fun!

  52. The WOWbugs are intresting and really amazing to look at through the microscope.
    jimmy martzen period 1

  53. Period 6
    The WOWbugs are a species of parasitic wasps. They are harmless to humans because of how small they are. Also, they have wings but cannot fly, they can only hop. Even though, most of the WOWbugs died I still had fun experimenting with them.

  54. Tim G. Period 2
    The WOWbug is a wasp and also considered a parasite. Its genius name is Melittobia digitata. They have stingers, but are harmless to humans. This makes them the perfect animal to study. Learning about the WOWbugs was really fun.

  55. Period 5
    I learned that WOWbugs are miniscule parasitic wasps. They are harmless to humans, because their stingers are so small, but they can easily kill a bee or wasp. They have three main body parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. WOWbugs also hop and don't really fly. I had fun experimenting with them.

  56. KC Period 7

    I believe that the WOWbugs that we observed in classroom were quite facinating. I learned that they possess miniscule stingers that can't harm humans. They were made up of the three basic parts of an insect: head, thorax, and abdomen. By looking through the microscope, I observed that they have a brownish coloring and interesting methods of grooming themselves. These insects were definetly a fun subject to study!

  57. NI Period 6

    These WOWbugs, also known as Melittobia digitata, are tiny parasitic wasps that are harmless to humans,but are harmful to insects that are vulnerable to it. The female does have a stinger, but cannot penetrate human flesh. These wasps can be easily managed also. Male and female WOWbugs have different features to themselves though. The parts of the female are: Head, Eyes, Thorax, Abdomen, Antennae, Wings, Mandibles, Mid-legs, and Hind-legs. It really stinks Period 6 had to work with dead ones.

  58. I liked the WOWbugs they were really small I measured 3 mm. I learned that they aren't harmful to humans, they have wings but they cant fly, and they reproduce in large numbers. I also liked how we prepared our own slide but I didn't like that they were dead.
    austin Sweeney pr6

  59. WOWbugs, also known as Melittobia Digitata, are miniscule parasitic wasps. I was quite fascinated when looking at the WOWbug through the microscope. When not under a microscope, WOWbugs look like eraser shavings in my opinion. Even though they have stingers, they cannot penetrate human skin due to their size. My group's WOWbug was thought to be dead but to our surprise, it was very much alive. According to Mrs. Zazzali, WOWbugs like to play dead. It seems to be true because the group next to mine was thought to be dead; but then when they opened the slide the WOWbug hopped out. It was pretty funny watching them trying to put the bug back in the slide. :)

  60. ZZ Period 3

    A WOWbug is a parasitic wasp. Although it has wings, it can't fly, and it also has a stinger, but since it is so small, it cannot penetrate through a human's skin. These bugs are so microscopic that they measured 0.1mm under the microscope. This made them a challenge to draw as well. It was too bad that there was only 1 living one at the time we worked with them, so we had to work with dead ones.

  61. LN Period 2

    I have learned many things about WOWbugs. WOWbugs are small parasitic wasps. They are studied under microscopes in many classrooms. WOWbugs have a stinger, but they cannot harm humans because of their small size. They don't really fly, they kind of just hop. It was so exciting to learning about these insects and experimenting with them!

  62. D.H. period 2
    I found a few interesting fun facts about the WOW Bug:
    -17 day life cycle
    -the first part of the name WOW Bug is an acronym which can stand for Working On Wasps or Wild Over Wasps
    -they are found all over the world
    -the scientific name is melittobia digitata
    -14 Melitoba species have been discovered
    the family is Eulopidae
    -the order is Hymenoptera

  63. A.G. PERIOD 1
    I was very suprised by their size. I thought they were the big bugs in the box1 It was very interesting learnig about them, and I am very glad that they cant bite us!

  64. S.Y. PERIOD 1
    I really enjoyed working and examining the WOW bugs! Although they were very small, they were interesting and different. Underneath the microscope, I saw details that you would never be able to see with the bare eye. I hope we can work with the WOW bugs again!

  65. JG PERIOD 7
    I really enjoyed examining the WOWbugs in class! They were as small as the tip of your pencil point. When we looked at them using the compound microscope we could see all of their tiny, little details. They have miniscule stingers that can not harm humans. Also, their scientific name is Melittobia digitata. I hope that we can work with them again!

  66. Melittobia Digitata are commonly known as WOW bugs. They are tiny parasitic wasps that kill bees and other forms of wasps. Under the microscope they are so detailed. It looked like they're giant bugs from the Jurassic age. Which could pierce your heart with their massive stingers at an given moment, although their stingers are too small to hurt a human.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. MG
    pd 3
    I liked the WOW bugs they were really small I measured 3 mm. I learned that they aren't harmful to humans, they have wings but they cant fly, and they reproduce in large numbers. I also liked how we prepared our own slide but I didn't like that they were dead.even besides that they where cool and I learned a lot.(sorry for deleting my computer was having trouble.) :)

  71. Kathryn Fulton period 7
    I learned many things about the WOWbug in class today and yesterday and today such as the scientific name (melitto digitata), the fact that females have stingers but it cannot harm/pierce human flesh, and that male WOWbugs are blind! although the wowbugs were deceased, it still was a great experience!

  72. I'm glad you learned so much about this fascinating insect-great comments everyone!

  73. ES
    Period 7
    I learned many things about the Wowbugs. One thing I learned about them were that female wowbugs have stingers but can't harm a human with those little stingers! I also learned that wowbugs are only 2 mm. It's so strange to think any bug can be that small!

  74. R.R.
    period 3

    What I learned about WOWbugs is that they are very small. They look like tiny specks with the naked eye. When you view them under a microscope you can see all the details of their bodies, like their legs and eyes. I also learned that they can fly and have tiny stingers. I enjoyed learning about WOWbugs.

  75. A WOW bug is an interesting insect. It has a stinger and can harm many insects, but because it is so small, it grants no harm to people. it is about 1 mm, the size of a large grain of sand. These microscopic wasps usually can't fly, but it isn't impossible. In conclusion, WOW bugs are amazing parasites.
    By: Erick Frobose Period 8

  76. Good Job period 3. Your WOWbug labs were excellent!!

  77. FJB Period 1

    The WOWBugs were really fun to experiment with, unfortunately, Akshaj, Charlie, and I were unable to see the WOWBug clean itself because Charlie killed both of them. Overall, I found that the lab with the WOWBugs was exceedingly fun.
